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607 results found

Cash Management

A rolling 12 months of cash receipts broken down by month and income stream.

Daily Cash Book

Management of Treasury functions and cash flow coherence

Cash collected from compliance

Total amount of tax that HMRC collects from activity to tackle those individuals and businesses that have not paid the tax that is due, such as cash collected as a result of tax enquiries...

CRB checks

FOI response: annual figures on the total number of CRB checks since 2005/06, organised by financial year

FCA: Cash savings profitability analysis

Following the FCA's Cash Savings Market Review 2023, it conducted an in-depth analysis of the profits made on savings and their contribution to overall firm profitability. Profitability is key to...

FCA update on cash savings - December 2023

The FCA updates on progress in the cash savings market since it published its review in July 2023. In July the FCA published a review of the cash savings market, setting out an action plan to...

FSA IT Health Checks

Dates of completed IT Health Checks for the Food Standards Agency.

Learning disabilities health check scheme

The learning disabilities health check scheme is designed to encourage practices to identify all patients aged 14 and over with learning disabilities, to maintain a learning disabilities 'health...

Northern Ireland Compliance Checks

This is a report providing information on Compliance Checks for heavy goods vehicles, buses and taxis, which are carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of heavy goods...

FCA: Access to cash coverage in the UK 2023 Q2

This is an overview of geographical cash access coverage in the UK at the end of the second quarter (April to June) of 2023. This monitoring forms part of the FCA’s work on access to cash. Each...

FCA: Access to cash coverage in the UK 2023 Q1

This is an overview of geographical cash access coverage in the UK at the end of the first quarter (January to March) of 2023. This monitoring forms part of the FCA’s work on access to cash. On a...

FCA: Access to cash coverage in the UK 2022 Q4

This is an overview of geographical cash access coverage in the UK at the end of the fourth quarter (October to December) of 2022. This monitoring forms part of the FCA’s work on access to...

NHS Health Check quarterly statistics

Number of NHS Health Checks offered and uptake each quarter, for the year to date and over five years April 2013-March 2018 Source agency: Public Health England Designation: Official Statistics...

FCA: Access to cash coverage in the UK 2022 Q1

This is an overview of geographical cash access coverage in the UK at the end of the first quarter (January to March) of 2022. This monitoring forms part of the FCA’s work on access to cash. On a...

Northern Ireland Bus Compliance Check

This is a report providing information on the biennial Bus Compliance Check, which is carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of buses travelling on the roads in Northern...

Northern Ireland Taxi Compliance Check

This is a report providing information on the biennial Taxi Compliance Check, which is carried out to determine the roadworthiness and traffic compliance of taxis travelling on the roads in...

FCA: Access to cash coverage in the UK 2022 Q2

This is an overview of geographical cash access coverage in the UK at the end of the second quarter (April to June) of 2022. This monitoring forms part of the FCA’s work on access to cash. On a...

CRB checks and job positions

FOI response: 1a) How many criminal record checks were made in 2009, 2010 and 2011? 1b) Please could you break this figure down by the ""post applied for"" field. 2a) How many convicted criminals...

FCA: Access to cash coverage in the UK 2021 Q1

The FCA provides an overview of geographical cash access coverage in the UK at the end of the first quarter of 2021. This is the first in a series of regular updates that will monitor coverage over...

FCA: Access to cash coverage in the UK 2021 Q3

The FCA provides an overview of geographical cash access coverage in the UK at the end of the third quarter (July to September) of 2021. This is the third in a series of regular updates to monitor...