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Business continuity plans

Yorkshire and Humber Relationship Team Business continuity plans

Business Continuity plan

Business Continuity plan to be facilitated in the event of an emergency.

Business Continuity Plans repository

Business Continuity Plans repository

Business continuity/emergency plans

Business Continuity/Emergency Plans - CD staff contact details. Name, out of hours contact telephone numbers.

London Site Business Continuity Contact Data

A data set in two parts - one in MS WORD, the other in MS EXCEL - that contains: names; telephone numbers (business telephone numbers, home telephone numbers, mobile telephone numbers, pager...

DTrgA Business Continuity Call Out List

Business Continuity Call Out List

Business Continuity Documents

FCO(S) - BCP Plans, Contact Details, Strategy Documents etc

JO Business Continuity Plans

Emergency procedures in case of major incident in the workplace

Tourism Business Monitor

5 times yearly survey of accommodation and attractions businesses providing indication of business performance, sentiment and attitudes to "hot topic" areas. Publication schedule for results is at...

Continuous Analysers Locations

This data has come from continuous analysers. It includes PM10, PM2.5 and Nox data...

NHS Continuing Healthcare Activity

NHS Continuing Healthcare’ is a package of care (outside hospital) arranged and funded solely by the NHS where the individual has been found to have a ‘primary health need’ as set out in the...


Local air quality monitoring stations that continuously monitor various pollutants including nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (PM10) and ozone within the Local Air Quality Management (LAQM)...

Continuous Household Survey Bulletin

The Bulletin provides summary information as well as some trend data from previous years. It includes information on - smoking, household composition, debt, internet access, health, sport and...

London Business Survey 2014 - Business Profile

The [2014 London Business Survey](/london-business-survey-2014/) (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA....

Business Rates - Small Business Rate Relief

Properties receiving Small Business Rate Relief, either at the maximum amount or on the tapered relief for qualifying properties with Rateable Values (RV) between £12,000 and £17,000. Includes:...

Local Air Quality Monitoring - Continuous Assessment

Air quality monitoring stations that continuously monitor NO2 within the LAQM area.

Wycombe business rate relief small business

Businesses in the Wycombe district in receipt of small business relief.

Business Demography

Business demography data counts numbers of active businesses with turnover or employment in a reporting year. It also indicates numbers of new businesses (business births) and numbers of...

Business Rates

Information on businesses who pay business rates in Salford. Information includes business address, rateable value and other details.


Info for and about businesses and workers in the borough