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Mayor's Office Expenses

Declaration of expenses incurred by Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Directors and Advisors. This currently links to the existing PDF and RTF documents on the GLA website. We are working on making this data...

WFD (Water Framework Directive) Cycle 2 River outfalls to transitional and coastal waters

This spreadsheet contains the location of the outfall points where Cycle 2 river lines (England only) meet the coast. These outfall points were initially created in an ESRI ArcGIS shapefile and...

GLA Expenditure over £250

The Mayor is committed to providing financial transparency and has instructed that regular reports should be published on all GLA expenditure over £1,000, including VAT. From summer 2010 the...

GLA pay gap data

Since 2021 these data tables have been produced to supplement the Pay Gap reports for the Greater London Authority (GLA). They provide extra details of the median and mean hourly rates of...

GLA Senior Staff Salaries

The [Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency](, issued by the Department for Communities...

Peak flow and probability of exceedance data for Grid-to-Grid modelled widespread flooding events across mainland GB from 1980-2010 and 2050-2080

This dataset is a set of 24 gridded netcdf files, each including data describing a total of 14,400 widespread flooding events across mainland GB, with event selection based on a...

Water Framework Directive Cycle 2 Heavily Modified Water Body Use and Physical Modification

A requirement of the Water Framework Directive is to report the physical modifications and uses that have resulted in a heavily modified water body. This dataset lists the physical modifications...

Ramsar Sites - Wetlands of International Importance

The Convention on Wetlands, called the Ramsar Convention, is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise...

Gro for GooD Soil Data Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grant NE/M008894/1)

The data set contains Soil Data used in the Gro for GooD Project in Kwale, Kenya based on KENSOTER database and soil survey in study area. The KENSOTER dataset, specific for Kenya, was compiled by...