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48 results found

Locally Listed Buildings

These are buildings within the borough that do not meet the criteria for English Heritage, but are still of historic interest. Placing buildings on the local list draws attention to their local...

Life Expectancy in Leeds (3 year averages)

Life expectancy in years (3 year averages). Attention should be given to upper and lower 95% confidence intervals as a quick method of determining whether expectancies could overlap or are...

Local Landscape Area - Perth and Kinross

Designated landscapes within Perth and Kinross which merit special attention, either because they are of particular value and warrant protection or because they are degraded and require active...

Internet Access

This release explores the use of the Internet by adults in Great Britain and draws attention to how households connected to the Internet. It provides useful information for those interested in what...

OCC Road Verge Nature Reserve

Road Verge Nature Reserves were initally identifed in 1991. From an initial selection of 24 sites additional locations have been added as these have come to our attention. These initial 24 sites...

Public Health data - Mortality rates Leeds

Directly Age Standardised Mortality Rates (DASR) per 100,000. Age standardised rates compensate for differing age structures by weighting them to meet the European Standard Population (2013). Rates...

Public Health data - GP recorded conditions Leeds

Directly Age Standardised Rates (DASR) per 100,000. Age standardised rates compensate for differing age structures by weighting them to meet the European Standard Population (2013). Rates can then...

Rapid Evidence Review - Inequalities in relation to COVID-19 and their effects on London

The Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned the University of Manchester to conduct a rapid evidence review to document and understand the impact of COVID-19 (in terms of both health and the...

Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Measures

This dataset supports the Mayor's equality, diversity and inclusion strategy. It brings together publicly available data relevant to equalities in London into a series of measures. These will be...

Incidence of harm to children due to ‘failure to monitor’ (retired as of May-15) (NHSOF 5.6)

The total number of safety incidents, causing harm to children due to 'failure to monitor', reported to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) by provider organisations. Please note...

St Anthony's Finds Record

The project aimed to provide a record of the finds recovered from the designated wreck site the St. Anthony. Described as a "fine ship" belonging to King John III of Portugal, the St. Anthony was...

St Anthony's Finds Record

The project aimed to provide a record of the finds recovered from the designated wreck site the St. Anthony. Described as a "fine ship" belonging to King John III of Portugal, the St. Anthony was...

Species point records from 1984 Bunker/Hiscock Skomer sublittoral survey

This report summarises and discusses the results of surveys of habitats and communities from 90 previously unsurveyed or poorly described sites around Skomer Marine Reserve (SMR). Attention was...

Habitat point records from 1984 Bunker/Hiscock Skomer sublittoral survey

This report summarises and discusses the results of surveys of habitats and communities from 90 previously unsurveyed or poorly described sites around Skomer Marine Reserve (SMR). Attention was...

2001 Lin Baldock, various sites in Dorset, Dive Log records and observations carried out by Lin Baldock

Records from dives and intertidal visits carried out in 2001 by Lin Baldock within the Dorset area. Event reference for dives refers to the Dive Code in Lin Baldock's dive log which is held by...

2001 Lin Baldock, various sites in Dorset, Dive Log records and observations carried out by Lin Baldock

Records from dives and intertidal visits carried out in 2001 by Lin Baldock within the Dorset area. Event reference for dives refers to the Dive Code in Lin Baldock's dive log which is held by...

Community Outreach Programme Evaluation 2023-24

ICF Consulting Services Ltd were commissioned to undertake an Evaluation of The Community Outreach Programme. The evaluation aims to assess the outcomes and impacts of The Community Outreach...

Habitat point records from 1982 University of Exeter Isles of Scilly littoral sediment survey

Of the 4 shores surveyed, our conclusion is that they rank as follows in descending order of importance: i) Old Grimsby Zostera bed and Rushy Point, ii) Tresco Flats, iii) St Martin's Flats, iv)...

Species point records from 1982 University of Exeter Isles of Scilly littoral sediment survey

Of the 4 shores surveyed, our conclusion is that they rank as follows in descending order of importance: i) Old Grimsby Zostera bed and Rushy Point, ii) Tresco Flats, iii) St Martin's Flats, iv)...

Mimetic host shifts in a social parasite of ants: Behavioural study

This dataset derives from cross-over experiments using ant worker rescue behaviour towards caterpillars of the socially parasitic butterfly from two host-ecotypes. The data comprise datasets...