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85 results found

Allergy Alerts

Sometimes there will be a problem with a food product that means it should not be sold. Then it might be 'withdrawn' (taken off the shelves) or 'recalled' (when customers are asked to return the...

Flood Alert Areas

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA055. Flood Alert Areas are geographical areas where it is possible for flooding of low-lying land and roads to occur from rivers, sea and in some...

Subscriber numbers for the FSA email and SMS alerts service

A breakdown of subscriber numbers to all FSA subscriptions and how many bulletins were sent.

Bulletins sent out for the FSA email and SMS alerts service

A breakdown of bulletin activity on what was sent and how many, and the number of open rates.

Ash Lichen Alert

These data identify 10x10m, 100x100m and 1000x1000m areas where a Threatened Lichen has been recorded on Ash. The dataset is designed to allow land managers to rapidly identify whether they...

Flood Alert Areas

Flood Alert Areas are geographical areas where it is possible for flooding to occur from rivers or the sea. A single Flood Alert Area may cover the floodplain within the Flood Warning...

Performance Dashboard Animal health: subscriptions to alerts for exotic disease outbreaks

This dashboard shows information about how the Animal health: subscriptions to alerts for exotic disease outbreaks service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows...

Historic Flood Warnings and Flood Alerts

Listing of Severe Flood Warnings, Flood Warnings, Update Flood Warnings and Flood Alerts issued since the Floodline Warnings Direct service went live on January 26th 2006 to the present....

Live Flood Warnings and Alerts API Data

Flood Warnings are provided by the constant monitoring of stations and forecasting flooding from rivers or the sea: - Severe Flood Warning: Severe flooding. Danger to life. - Flood Warning:...

Cancer screening coverage - breast cancer (% eligible women screened adequately within previous 3 years)

Cancer screening coverage - breast cancer (% eligible women screened adequately within previous 3 years)

Product Recalls and Withdrawals

If there is a problem with a food product that means it should not be sold, then it might be 'withdrawn' (taken off the shelves) or 'recalled' (when customers are asked to return the product). The...

Live Flood Warnings

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA136. Flood Warnings are provided by the constant monitoring of stations and forecasting flooding from rivers or the sea: - Severe Flood Warning:...

Cancer screening coverage - cervical cancer (% eligible women screened adequately within previous 3.5 or 5.5 years)

Cancer screening coverage - cervical cancer (% eligible women screened adequately within previous 3.5 or 5.5 years) *This indicator has been discontinued

Flood warning system registration figures

Dataset shows the number of registrations for the flood warning system (FWS) by target area (flood warning and flood alert areas). The dataset includes figures for publically registerable live...

Historic Flood Warnings

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA435. Listing of Severe Flood Warnings, Flood Warnings and Flood Alerts issued since the flood warning system went live on January 26th 2006 to the...

Identicom Lone Worker Safety User Data

EA employees who work alone on site use a system called Identicom to ensure their safety by keeping track of their location. This is a typical year of data that provides system usage, false alarms...


This dataset shows the planning development constraints for Buffer of Protected Species Alert Areas from 2011.

Neighbourhood Planning areas in England

This data is based on research by DCLG of known designated neighbourhood planning areas across England. It covers: • The name of the neighbourhood planning area • The local authority • The...

National Pregnancy in Diabetes Audit

The audit is a measurement system to support improvement in the quality of care for women with diabetes who are pregnant or planning pregnancy and seeks to address three key questions: Were...

NI 187b - Tackling fuel poverty - percentage of people receiving income based benefits living in homes with a high energy efficiency rating

Fuel poverty is the requirement to spend 10% or more of household income to maintain an adequate level or warmth. The energy efficiency of a house can be measured using the Standard Assessment...