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        72 results found

        Advertising Contact

        Advertising Contact details and correspondence with manufacturers and Importers. Market surveillance reports includes records relating to the criminal justice system.

        Planning Application Advertisement Consent

        Guidance, criteria and forms for Advertisement Consent can be found below. The term advertisement covers a very wide range of advertisements and signs including: * Posters and notices * ...

        Advertising hoarding sites

        > List of council-owned advertising sites.

        Marketing & Advertising Exemption

        Marketing & Advertising spend that is exempt from public sector moratoria set out in the spending review.

        Area of Special Control of Advertisements

        The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992 The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007

        Allerdale Advertisement Control Exclusion Areas

        Allerdale Planning Constraint on Advertisement Control Exclusion Areas. Expressed as Polygons

        Allerdale Area Special Control Advertisement

        Allerdale Planning Constraint on Areas of Special Control on Advertisement. Expressed as polygons

        Allerdale Advertising Control Land Charge

        Advertising Control order recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

        North Lincolnshire Council Area of Special Control of Advertisements

        An Area of Special Control of Advertisements is an area specifically defined by the planning authority because they consider that its scenic, historical, architectural or cultural features are so...

        Exceptions to Cross-Government moratoria on spend on advertising and marketing in the Home Office: spend control data

        Details of exceptions to the government's moratorium on third-party spend at the Home Office on advertising and marketing.

        Vacancy Tracking Data and Commissioned Survey

        Database of head teacher, senior leader and middle leader vacancies and advertisements. Also a commissioned report by EDS based on results of a survey conducted among schools advertising a head...

        Horsham District Council Advert Control Areas

        Horsham District Council Area of Special Control of Advertisements. Further to the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992 every local planning authority is obliged...

        Job Applications

        Job applications for all vacancies advertised by VCA

        Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Spend control data

        Centrally approved new spending on property, advertising, consultancy, technology and recruitment.

        HR Resourcing Database

        Contains details of vacancies advertised, diversity information of applicants, details of pre-appointment checks completed for successful candidates

        Exceptions to Cross-Government moratoria on spend in HMRC

        This dataset is a list of those items of spend that have been allowed in HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) since the announcement (24 May 2010) of initially five cross-government moratoria: ICT spend...

        Choice Based Lettings Bids

        The data shows property and bid information for homes advertised by the London Borough of Camden on the Home Connections website.

        Cabinet Office spending approvals

        A quarterly record of exceptions to the moratirium on spending in the areas of consultancy; ICT; advertising and marketing; property; and recruitment

        Food Standards Agency spending controls - approved exemptions

        As part of the government's commitment to greater transparency, the FSA publishes quarterly data summaries of expenditure approvals for ICT, advertising and marketing, recruitment, property and...

        Choice Based Lettings Bids - deprecated

        This dataset is getting being replaced with an improved version. The data shows property and bid information for homes advertised by the London Borough of Camden on the Home Connections website.