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Hantsweb Webpage Statistics

Data detailing the pages visited, bounce rate and count for Hampshire County Council's webpage, Hantsweb. The data will be updated monthly with a new csv per month

Relationship and Entity Extraction Evaluation Dataset (Relations)

This relations dataset was the output of a project aimed to create a 'gold standard' dataset that could be used to train and validate machine learning approaches to natural language processing...

Good Relations Indicators

The report is a compendium of indicators on community relations and includes statistics on hate crimes; attitudinal data on Protestant/Catholic relations; parades statistics and levels of prejudice...

Public Relations and Affilliations Manag

Public relations data - HMS BULWARK A record of affiliations and public relations data.

Smoking-related hospital admissions

This public health intelligence profile describes the trends and patterns in smoking-related hospital admissions in Camden.

Human Relations - Employee Relations & Human Relations Direct

Commissioned Medical Reports; Health Insurance paperwork including claims forms; ill health retirement paperwork; Employee Assistance Programme; Access to work reports ; casework information

Camden Data Related Complaints

This is an aggregated dataset of data related complaints and their status in the complaints process. This is a rolling dataset that shows the number of complaints over time at Camden.

Deaths related to drug poisoning

Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales from 1993 onwards, by cause of death, sex, age and substances involved in the death. Source agency: Office for National...

Alcohol-related Hospital Statistics

Alcohol-related discharges from general acute and psychiatric hospitals and provides an update on data presented in the Alcohol Statistics Scotland publications. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part...

Drug Related Hospital Statistics

Drug related hospital and psychiatric discharge statistics. Normally published as part of Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland publication, due to issues with data submissions being published...

Drug-related deaths in Scotland

The number of, and trends in, drug-related deaths in Scotland, broken down by, for example, age, sex, Health Board and Council areas and whether particular types of drug were found in the...

Drug and Alcohol related hospital statistics

Annual update of drug and alcohol related hospital discharges. Previously published as two seperate publications. Alcohol related statistics has undergone National Statistics accreditation and...

Performance-related pay - Home Office

Data on non-consolidated performance-related payments in the Home Office and its agencies..

Older People Services Measuring Relative Needs

Older People Services Measuring Relative Needs Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Older...

Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay - Defra

Publication of information on Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay data for departments and their agencies from performance year 2010-11 Previous publications can be found via the link...

Relative Poverty across Scottish Local Authorities

New figures about the proportion of households in relative poverty in Scotland at local authority area level. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

Impact indicator: fire related casualties

Fire-related casualties per 100,000 population #### How the figure is calculated: Number of fire-related casualties in England in the reporting period divided by latest ONS mid-year population...

Smoking related behaviour and attitudes

Presents results from questions about smoking which were included on the ONS Omnibus survey at the request of the Health and Social Care Informtation Centre. Source agency: Office for National...

Number of Alcohol related ASB incidents

Number of Alcohol related ASB incidents *This indicator has been discontinued

DH non-consolidated performance related payments

Details of the non-consolidated performance related pay for the department and its executive agencies.