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1,633 results found

Rochford Power Lines

This dataset shows the location of Power Lines within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence –...

HMRC Powers, Deterrents and Safeguards report

Forum to Oversee the Implementation of new HMRC Powers, Deterrents and Safeguards: annual reports The Review of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) Powers, Deterrents and Safeguards ran from 2005 to...

Combined Heat and Power database

Internal database of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants in the UK. The department is unable to publish site level data as this information is commercially sensitive. We publish statistics on CHP...

Gas safety - % of properties having valid Gas Safe registered gas certificates - (Snapshot)

Gas safety - % of properties having valid Gas Safe registered gas certificates - (Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued

Policies and Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act

Policies and Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIPA) Applications/Authorisations detailing the reasons supporting the need for such investigation methods to be used.

Bradwell Nuclear Power Station 5 Mile Zone

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Bradwell Nuclear Power Station 5 Mile Zone and was part of the Adopted Replacement Local Plan (2005)

Gas Works

This layer includes gas works and gas holders. To assist in deciding whether there is any pollution risk to current or proposed uses from current of historic uses.

Gas usage

Wilton Park - Units of gas used

OPG Use a Lasting Power of Attorney performance data

This page provides data on the performance of the Use a lasting power of attorney service. The data is updated each month.

OPG Make a Lasting Power of Attorney performance data

This page provides data on the performance of the Make a lasting power of attorney service. The data is updated each month.

Children entering detention held solely under Immigration Act powers

Management information on children entering detention, held solely under the Immigration Act powers. Complements statistics published in the publication Control of Immigration

Energy resources - Onshore oil & gas - hydrocarbon fields, wells, and licenced blocks

Onshore oil and gas licensing powers were devolved to Scottish Ministers on 9 February 2018. Onshore includes the marine area within territorial baselines. These datasets show onshore hydrocarbon...

Scottish Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Summary statistics on geenhouse gas emissions for the period 1990-2007 Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Used to record surveys of Liquefied Petroleum Gas buried pipework (non-residential) to inform a schedule of replacement for HSE and industry. Number of records in dataset – 5078. Dataset contains...

Schools Natural Gas - Cost (£)

Schools Natural Gas - Cost (£)

Schools Gas Oil - Cost (£)

Schools Gas Oil - Cost (£)

Corporate Natural Gas - Cost (£)

Corporate Natural Gas - Cost (£)

Historical gas data: gas production and consumption and fuel input

Historical gas data series updated annually in July alongside the publication of the Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics (DUKES).

Post-exploration monitoring of soil gas results on Polish shale gas sites

The dataset contains details of field collection of soil gas samples with use of Supel Inert Foil gas sampling bags and the results of methane, ethane, carbon dioxide measurements performed within...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Oxyfuel and exhaust gas recirculation processes in gas turbine combustion for improved carbon capture performance

Conventional power generation in the UK faces a significant challenge in the face of decarbonising and maintaining a reliable, secure and cost effective electricity supply. The requirement for...