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        Approval for Access (AfA) Status Types data standard controlled list

        This is the Environment Agency data standard controlled list of Approval for Access (AfA) status types. It is a controlled list of the 8 AfA status codes and descriptions and is the standard list...

        TWBC Local Plan 2006 - Residential Development H6(a)-(f), H7

        TWBC Local Plan 2006 - Residential Development H6(a)-(f), H7

        Coastal Extreme Swell Wave Conditions (AfA189)

        Flood and Coastal Risk Management - Incident Management. Coastal Extreme Swell Wave Conditions dataset and supporting information providing information on offshore extreme swell wave conditions...

        Catchment Flood Management Plan Policy Units (AfA144)

        Flood and Coastal Risk Management - Incident Management. The Catchment Flood Management Plan Boundaries (CFMP) Policy Units dataset defines the boundaries where policies (e.g. reduce flood risk)...

        Mechanical properties of saw-cut Westerly Granite during injection from a borehole in a laboratory sample (NERC grant NE/K009656/1)

        This dataset is used and fully described/interpreted in the paper: Passelegue, F. X., N. Brantut, T. M. Mitchell, Fault reactivation by fluid injection: Controls from stress state and injection...


        This dataset shows an isolated road line for the A130 within Basildon Borough for boundary analysis.


        This dataset shows an isolated road line for the A132 within Basildon Borough for boundary analysis.


        This dataset shows an isolated road line for the A13 within Basildon Borough for boundary analysis.


        This dataset shows an isolated road line for the A127 within Basildon Borough for boundary...


        This dataset shows an isolated road line for the A1245 within Basildon Borough for boundary...

        MUDC AED Locations

        Location of AED Locations that has been development in association with Mid Ulster Council. These are offered by both council facilities and community/ business buildings therefore their...

        MUDC AED Locations

        Location of AED Locations that has been development in association with Mid Ulster Council. These are offered by both council facilities and community/ business buildings therefore their...

        MUDC AED Locations

        Location of AED Locations that has been development in association with Mid Ulster Council. These are offered by both council facilities and community/ business buildings therefore their...

        A taxonomic, genetic and ecological data resource for the vascular plants of Britain and Ireland

        The dataset contains a current inventory of vascular plant species and their attributes present in the flora of Britain and Ireland. The species list is based on the most recent key to the flora of...

        Strategic Site Allocations Core Strategy 2014 Policies B3A KE3A KE4A RA5

        Core Strategy adopted 2014 Policies B3A KE3A KE4A RA5. Defines the boundary of large strategic sites allocated principally for residential development on the edge of Bath, Keynsham and Whitchurch.

        A&E weekly data

        The total number of attendances in the week for all A&E types, including Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours...

        A&E weekly data

        The total number of attendances in the week for all A&E types, including Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours...

        NI 085a - Post-16 participation in physical sciences (A Level Physics Chemistry and Maths) - A Level Physics

        Number of entries for each A level Science by pupils that are aged 16-18 year olds in schools and colleges in England.

        A26 Dualling LIDAR

        The LIDAR data encompassed the 8km scheme area along the existing A26 carriageway. The LIDAR survey was carried out to detect archaeological features such as the remains of roads, agricultural...

        Methane and carbon dioxide fluxes from a permanent wetland in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, 2018-2020

        The data resource consists of half hourly time series of heat (latent and sensible) and trace gas (carbon dioxide and methane) fluxes obtained by eddy-covariance, gas concentrations and ancillary...