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837 results found

Saved Local Plan Policy B8 - Residential Protection Areas

Sitea allocated for Residential Protection Areas under the Saves Local Plan policy B8. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the...


This is a polygon dataset that shows Employment Sites B1, B2 and B8 as allocated in the 2005 Adopted Local Plan

Business Completions 2002-2016

Business completions by district and use class in Cambridgeshire 2002-2016. Shows B1 (unknown), B1a (Office), B1b (Research and Development), B1c (Light Industry), B2 (General Industrial,...

Development Completed

Records all completions of new buildings and refurbishments over 1000 sq m since 1990. More detail provided in the Development Info reports and Development Schedules. Contact Monitoring &...

Development Pipeline - Current

Records all sites of new buildings and refurbishments over 1000 sq m in the development pipeline at the time of the last development survey (end of March/September). More detail provided in the...

Attendance Allowance (AA)

Attendance Allowance is payable to people over the age of 65 who are so severely disabled, physically or mentally, that they need a great deal of help with personal care or supervision Source:...

Aa Indices.

The aa index is a simple global geomagnetic activity index, with units of 1 nT (nanotesla), which is produced from the K indices from two approximately antipodal observatories. At present these are...

UK Biodiversity Indicator B7, Surface water status

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B7, Surface water status. Surface waters with good status support a diverse assemblage of aquatic invertebrates, fish,...

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Administrative datasets on Value Added Tax

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Administrative datasets on Value Added Tax

Saved Local Plan Policy A3 - Groundwater Protection

Sites allocated for Groundwater Protection under the Saved Local Plan policy A3. Areas recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of...

Adding Capacity at Heathrow Consultation

Database of responses to the Adding Capacity at Heathrow Airport consultation. Data collection ceased. This database was used to inform an ongoing policy/consultative exercise....

Value Added Tax (VAT) - live mainframe data

Daily mainframe feeds - VAT Returns, VAT Assessments, VAT Payments, VAT Repayments, Unpaid Cheques Monthly mainframe feeds - VAT Returns, VAT Assessments, VAT Business Details. Updated: daily.

Q 87

PDF map of quadrant 87

Q 87

PDF map of quadrant 87

Northern Ireland Attendance Allowance Summary Statistics

Presents data from the Attendance Allowance (AA) Quarterly Statistical Enquiry, shows the key features of the AA population, provides a summary of the main features of AA and how they affect...

Gross Value Added (GVA)

Gross Value Added measures the value generated in the production of goods and services. It is one measure of overall economic performance. This dataset shows Gross Value Added at current basic...

Ad hoc housing analysis

This page hosts the results of ad hoc housing analysis carried out by the Greater London Authority, including figures that have been referred to in Mayoral press releases.

Attendance Allowance

Attendance Allowance (AA) is payable to people over the age of 65 who are so severely disabled, physically or mentally, that they need a great deal of help with personal care or supervision. AA...

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