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National Forest Estate Statutory Boundary for Forest of Dean

The Statutory Forest of Dean has existed since Norman times. Originally an area reserved for the King and his chosen few to hunt within, the Statutory Forest became defined as an area where the...

EWCO - Keeping Rivers Cool Riparian Buffers

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation where this will provide dappled shade to improve aquatic ecology by reducing summer water temperatures and benefiting...

NI 104 The Special Educational Needs (SEN)/non-SEN gap achieving Key Stage 2 English and Maths threshold

The percentage point gap between pupils who are identified as having special educational needs who achieve the expected national curriculum level 4 or above in both English and Maths at Key Stage...

NI 018 Adult re-offending rates for those under probation supervision

This indicator measures the percentage of adult offenders (aged 18 and over) on the probation caseload who are proven to have re-offended within three months from the month the snapshot was taken...

NI 143 - Offenders under probation supervision living in settled and suitable accommodation at the end of their order or licence

Offenders under probation supervision living in settled and suitable accommodation at the end of their order or licence. This indicator will contribute to the wider reducing reoffending...

NI 001 - Percentage of people who believe people from different backgrounds get on well together in their local area

People who believe people from different backgrounds get on well together in their local area. The indicator aims to measure the economic and cultural benefits of diversity are experienced by...

Database of BAC levels in road fatalities

Coroners data. The existing database provides information on the blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) of road traffic accident fatalities.

NI 081 - Inequality gap in the achievement of a Level 3 qualification by the age of 19

The number of people that were/were not eligible for FSM at age 19 who reached level 3 against the number of people that were/were not eligible for FSM at age 16 on the school census, expressed as...

NI 064 - Child protection plans lasting 2 years or more

The indicator measures the number of children who had been the subject of a Child Protection Plan continuously for two years or longer against the number of children ceasing to be the subject of a...

NI 156 - Number of households living in temporary accommodation

This indicator measures the numbers of households living in temporary accommodation. Temporary accommodation under homelessness provisions - The duty owed to a household accepted by a local housing...

NI 133 - Timeliness of social care packages

Acceptable waiting times for delivery of care packages following assessment: For new clients aged 65+, the percentage for whom the time from completion of assessment to provision of services in the...

Priority Places for England: 2016

The data is used to support the Woodland Carbon Fund, which was launched in 2016. The Forestry Commission identified Priority Places for England (PPE) areas based on data that includes populations,...

AddressBase Islands

AddressBase® Islands delivers the detail for Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands which you find in AddressBase Plus and AddressBase Premium. AddressBase Islands is available in...

NI 180 The number of changes of circumstances which affect customers HB/CTB benefit entitlement within the year.

The number of changes to customers HB/CTB benefit entitlement that are processed by the local authority in a year. Source: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets...

NI 122 - Mortality from all cancers at ages under 75

Directly age standardised mortality rates per 100,000 population for cancer (all malignant neoplasms) at all ages under 75 years Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets...

NI 079 - Achievement of a Level 2 qualification by the age of 19

The number of young people in the cohort that have passed the level 2 threshold by the academic year in which they turn 19, living in a given Local Authority against the size of the cohort living...

NI 191 - Residual household waste per head

Indicator measuring the number of kilograms of household waste collected that is not sent for reuse, recycling or is not composted or anaerobic digestion per head of the population. This includes...

NI 186 Per capita CO2 emissions in the LA area

Percentage reduction of the per capita CO2 emissions in the Local Authority Area: The indicator being assessed will comprise of an annual reduction in CO2 emissions across an agreed set of sectors...

Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland

This site presents the national classification of sea floor marine habitats for Britain and Ireland. The expandable classification hierarchy below lists all types, from broad habitat level to...

Linked Data

The linked data is developmental and is produced from linking existing administrative data sources together to create a new valuable information asset which is being used for a variety of purposes.