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Statistics on NHS Stop Smoking Services in England

This quarterly report presents provisional results from the monitoring of the NHS Stop Smoking Services in England. It includes information on the number of people setting a quit date and the...

Contraception and Sexual Health

Contains statistics regarding contraceptive use among women aged under 50; women ‘at risk’ of pregnancy; sterilisations and vasectomies; sexual behaviour and condom use; and knowledge of sexually...

Fertility and Migration

This report has been renamed to "Childbearing of UK born and non-UK born women living in the UK". The publication date has not changed, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. Source...

Bereavement benefits

Bereavement Benefits consists of three main benefit payments 1) The Bereavement Payment (one off payment to payable to widow/widower if his/her late spouse had paid enough National Insurance...

Gender pay gap

Employers with 250 or more employees must publish and report specific figures about their gender pay gap From 2017, any organisation that has 250 or more employees must publish and report...

Labour market status for young people by ethnicity

Estimates of labour market status (employment, unemployment and inactivity) for all people, men and women aged 16 to 24 by ethnicity for Quarter 4 each year from 2006 to 2011. The estimates for men...

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) enhanced surveillance of cervical cancers

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) type-specific testing of all cervical cancers in women aged 30 years or younger identified through ENCORE

Conception summary tables, England and Wales (provisional)

Presents provisional annual statistics on conceptions to women usually resident in England and Wales. It covers conception counts and conception rates for women of all ages, including outcome,...

Gender Pay Gaps in London

This dataset contains gender pay gap figures for all employees in London and large employers in London. The pay gap figures for GLA group organisations can be found on their respective...

Mothers in the Labour Market

Analysis of the employment trends and characteristics of working mothers, compared to women without children and working fathers. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

Live Births

Live Births registered annually in Lincolnshire and Districts. The figures are shown as a Number and also as a Rate per 1000 women age 15-44 (inclusive), which is called the General Fertility Rate...

GP recorded coronary heart disease rates

A dataset providing GP recorded coronary heart disease.  Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death both in the UK and worldwide. It's responsible for more than 73,000 deaths in...

Number of dwellings by tenure and district

This dataset covers the years 2010 to 2016 and shows district level information with a tenure breakdown between local authority, Private Registered Providers (PRPs, formerly known as Housing...

National Pregnancy in Diabetes Audit Report 2018

The National Pregnancy in Diabetes Audit (NPID) is a workstream of the National Diabetes Audit (NDA) and is managed by NHS Digital under an agreement with the Healthcare Quality Improvement...

Psychiatric Morbidity Among Young Offenders

Presents information on the mental health of young offenders from a survey of psychiatric morbidity among prisoners aged 16-64 in England and Wales which was carried out in 1997. Source agency:...

Details of GPs, GP Practices, Nurses and Pharmacies from Organisation Data Service

The Organisation Data Service (ODS) is provided by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). It is responsible for the publication of all organisation and practitioner codes and...

GP practices

Link to which provides data on GPs, GP practices, nurses and pharmacies in the UK. Please note The GP practices file contains all prescribing cost centres as opposed to solely GP...

National Maternity and Perinatal Audit

The National Maternity and Perinatal Audit (NMPA) is a large scale audit of NHS maternity services across England, Scotland and Wales, which started in 2016. The NMPA aims to support improvements...

Cohort Fertility, England and Wales

Presents data on fertility by year of birth of mother rather than the year of birth of child. This package includes average number of live-born children and the proportion of women remaining...

Education and Training in England: Offenders' Learning and Skills Service

Offenders' Learning and Skills Service education and training data. The data show participation and achievement by equality and diversity, and level as well as enrolments and achievements at aim...