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Stop and Search

Stop and search data presented here are taken from the annual Home Office Statistics release ‘Police Powers and Procedures, England and Wales 2012/13’, and cover stops and searches conducted by...

Welsh Fishermen’s Association (WFA-CFC) (WFACPC) 2021 Welsh Fishermen’s Association - Cymdeithas Pysgotwyr Cymru (WFA-CPC) Severn Esturary/Môr Hafren SAC Benthic and Geophysical surveys

Within the project (WFA-CPC EMFF Protecting Our Seas), benthic and geophysical surveys were undertaken in the Severn Esturary/Môr Hafren SAC to explore the location of Sabellaria alveolata reefs,...

English Enterprise Zone Sites

Polygon dataset showing each site of each Enterprise Zone in England with associated details. Each Zone lead organsiation have digitised these sites in different ways and to different levels of...

Judicial and Court Statistics

These annual reports relate to the criminal and civil business of the courts in England and Wales for whose administration the Ministry of Justice is responsible. They also cover the work of some...

Hip fracture in over-65s

Emergency Hospital Admission for fracture neck of femur, directly age-standardised rate, 65 year and over Source: The Information Centre for health and social care (IC) Publisher: Association of...

List of Internal Drainage Boards

Please note: This catalog/data-sets has now been superseded by the the record titled: Association of Drainage Authorities: Administrative Boundaries - Internal Drainage Districts in England. This...

ITS Directive Road Safety Information Data - Live Traffic Information from TransportNI

The ITS Directive and UK traffic and lorry parking data - road safety related data from Transport Northern Ireland The UK Department for Transport and the devolved administrations are taking an...

Countryside Stewardship Woodland Sub Compartments

Countryside Stewardship (CS) was launched in 2015 and is a Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) grant scheme. It will contribute around £900 million over six years to help farmers and...

Physically active children

Percentage of schoolchildren who spend a minimum of two hours each week on high quality PE and school sport within and beyond the curriculum Source: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Smoking in pregnancy

The percentage of women giving birth in 2007/08 who are current smokers at the time of delivery out of all maternities where smoking in pregnancy status is recorded. Source: Care Quality...

The Area of UK Crops Grown for Bioenergy

This is an experimental statistical notice without associated datasets with estimates of the area of UK crops which have been grown for bioenergy. It covers wheat, oilseed rape, sugar beet, short...

Physically active adults

Adults participating in recommended levels of physical activity -participation in moderate intensity sport and active recreation on 20 or more days in the previous 4 weeks, (averaging 5 or more...

Breast feeding initiation

The percentage of women giving birth in 2007/08 who put their baby to the breast in the first 48 hours after delivery, out of all maternities where breast feeding initiation status is...

Consumer protection study 2022

This study aimed to understand consumers’ experiences with purchasing items and services, the type and impact of problems they faced in doing so, and how they managed to resolve these...

Soil Nutrient Balances UK

Soil nutrient balances provide a method for estimating the annual nutrient loadings of nitrogen and phosphorus to agricultural soils and hence provide an indication of the potential risk associated...

Soil Nutrient Balances England

Soil nutrient balances provide a method for estimating the annual nutrient loadings of nitrogen and phosphorus to agricultural soils and hence provide an indication of the potential risk associated...

Communities and Local Government energy and water consumption data page

This page provides access to real time energy (gas and electricity) and water consumption for Communities and Local Government headquarters building, Eland House, London. The Department's HQ...

English Woodland Grant Scheme Boundary

The English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) was launched in 2005 and offered 6 grants for the creation and stewardship of woodlands. This dataset contains the scheme or 'case' boundaries that make up...

The Pantheon database: habitat related traits, conservation status and taxa associations for invertebrates in England

The Pantheon database contains habitat-related traits, feeding guilds, conservation status (including rarity and threat status), legal protection data and associations with other taxa for just over...

A compendium of earthworm data sources and associated information from the UK and Ireland, 1891-2021

This dataset presents a compendium of field-based earthworm data sources and associated meta-data from across the United Kingdom and Ireland (‘Worm source’). These were compiled up to 2021 and...