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Registered Parks and Gardens GIS Data

GIS spatial data for Registered Parks and Gardens, part of the National Heritage List for England. Registered Parks and Gardens are represented by a polygon defining the extent of the protected...

OS VectorMap District

OS VectorMap District is a simple vector dataset with a nominal scale of 1:25000 covering the whole of Great Britain that has been designed for creating graphical mapping. The product can be used...

Code-Point with polygons

Code-Point® with polygons shows the notional shape of every postcode unit in Great Britain, and includes major buildings with multiple postcodes. For compelling visuals, Code-Point with polygons...

London Employability Performance Rating (EPR) guidance and tools

 In order to receive a rating, providers will be required to enter their data in the Employability Performance Rating Calculator (EPRC); this can be downloaded from the link below. Guidance on...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Employment Rank

Ranking of LSOAs according to their score in the Employment Deprivation domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England....

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Housing Rank

Ranking of LSOAs according to their score in the Barriers to Housing and Services domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Education Rank

Ranking of LSOAs according to their score in the Education, Skills and Training Deprivation domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Income Rank

Ranking of LSOAs according to their score in the Income Deprivation domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Health Rank

Ranking of LSOAs according to their score in the Health Deprivation and Disability domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Crime Rank

Ranking of LSOAs according to their score in the Crime domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are ranked...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Environment Rank

Ranking of LSOAs according to their score in the Living Environment Deprivation domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Housing Score

Score for each LSOA in the Barriers to Housing and Services domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Income Score

Score for each LSOA in the Income Deprivation domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are ranked from least...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Health Score

Score for each LSOA in the Health Deprivation and Disability domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Education Score

Score for each LSOA in the Education, Skills and Training Deprivation domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Crime Score

Deprivation score for each LSOA in the Crime domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are ranked from least...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Employment Score

Score for each LSOA in the Employment Deprivation domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are ranked from...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Environment Score

Score for each LSOA in the Living Environment Deprivation domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are ranked...

OS Mastermap Highways Network - Roads

OS MasterMap® Highways Network is the most complete, detailed and accurate navigable road network dataset for Great Britain. It records the dimensions and accessibility of roads. For all highways...

Seven-day Services Indicators: Length of Stay

Statistics about length of stay in hospital for emergency admissions by day of admission. In July 2015 the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, delivered a speech ‘Making healthcare more...