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150 results found

Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane fluxes from winter wheat treated with organic and inorganic fertilisers, UK, 2022

This dataset contains 2-hourly observations of biogenic fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) measured from a winter wheat crop grown on a mineral soil in the UK...

Soil respiration under Miscanthus x giganteus and an adjacent barley crop

Data collected during a field experiment investigating the differences between greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes under a bioenergy crop Miscanthus x giganteus and a conventional arable crop, barley...

Compilation of: QEMSCAN; whole-rock, quartz and zircon geochemistry; zircon Lu-Hf isotopes; molybdenite Re-Os geochronology; and zircon U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS data from the Yerington Batholith, Nevada, USA (NERC Grant NE/L002434/1)

Petrographic, whole-rock, quartz and zircon geochemistry, zircon Lu-Hf isotopes, molybdenite Re-Os geochronology and zircon U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS data from the Yerington Batholith, Nevada, USA. This data...

Daily plot level (micro meteorological) data at Climoor field site in Clocaenog Forest 1998-2015

This dataset contains daily micro-meteorological data from the experimental plots at the Climoor field site in Clocaenog forest, North East Wales. It runs from 15/7/1999 until 30/06/2015, and...

SmartBuoy Marine Observational Network - UK Waters Phytoplankton Data 2001-2017

This dataset consists of analysed phytoplankton data from the years 2001-2017 inclusive collected in UK waters from the SmartBuoy moorings at Celtic Deep, Dowsing, Gabbard/West...

SmartBuoy Marine Observational Network - UK Waters Phytoplankton Data 2001-2017

This dataset consists of analysed phytoplankton data from the years 2001-2017 inclusive collected in UK waters from the SmartBuoy moorings at Celtic Deep, Dowsing, Gabbard/West...

Hampshire Avon: trace gas fluxes from experimentally manipulated plots in three sub-catchments

The dataset contains instantaneous fluxes of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from intact lysimeters in agricultural grasslands in the Hampshire Avon catchment (UK). Manipulations of soil...

Sheep urine patch greenhouse gas emissions from a semi-improved upland grassland in North Wales, UK

The dataset contains annual soil greenhouse gas emissions following sheep urine (real and artificial) applications to a semi-improved upland grassland in North Wales, UK, across two seasons (spring...

Water table depth data from Climoor fieldsite in Clocaenog Forest 2009 - 2015

This dataset includes manual measurements in centimetres from the surface of the soil of water table depth at the Climoor fieldsite in the Clocaenog Forest, north-east Wales. Water table depth was...

SmartBuoy Marine Observational Network - UK Waters Phytoplankton Data 2018-2019

This dataset consists of analysed phytoplankton data from the years 2018-2019 inclusive collected in UK waters from the SmartBuoy moorings at Dowsing, WestGabbard2, Warp and Liverpool Bay using...

SmartBuoy Marine Observational Network - UK Waters Phytoplankton Data 2018-2019

This dataset consists of analysed phytoplankton data from the years 2018-2019 inclusive collected in UK waters from the SmartBuoy moorings at Dowsing, WestGabbard2, Warp and Liverpool Bay using...

SmartBuoy Marine Observational Network - UK Waters Phytoplankton Data 2020 - 2023

This dataset consists of analysed phytoplankton data from the years 2020- August 2023 collected in UK waters from the SmartBuoy moorings at Dowsing, WestGabbard2, Warp and Liverpool Bay using WMS...

Cave monitoring data from Cueva de Asiul, northern Spain (2010-2014) which act to support palaeoclimate interpretation of speleothem deposits from this site (NERC studentship grant NE/I527953/1)

The following dataset provides climate and cave monitoring data from Cueva de Asiul northern Spain between 2010 and 2014. This data set was initially presented in Smith et al., (2016) Cave...

Litterfall data from Climoor fieldsite in Clocaenog Forest 1999 - 2011

This dataset includes litterfall data from the experimental plots at the Climoor field site in the Clocaenog forest, NE Wales. Litterfall (natural senesced plant material) was collected in...

Sheep urine patch greenhouse gas emissions from organic soils in an extensively grazed montane agroecosystem, North Wales, UK

The dataset contains greenhouse gas fluxes (N2O, CO2 and CH4) following artificial and real sheep urine applied to organic soils within the Carneddau mountain range (556 m a.s.l.) in Snowdonia...

Bus Lane Enforcement - Enforcement Points

Leicester City Council operates a bus lane enforcement scheme to improve public transport reliability, journey times and to encourage sustainable travel.Enforcement points are located at the...

Building Standards - Scotland

This new building standards data has been created using a custom built 'Cloud Connector Framework' which enables the automated collection of data from local data systems on a DAILY basis. There...

Place Name Gazetteer - Scotland

Place-names represent a fundamental geographical identifier, which also have considerable cultural, historical and linguistic importance. Scotland had a great tradition of publishing descriptive...

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) Cairngorm environmental and phenological data derived from fixed-point repeat photography, 2002-2019

This dataset includes the dates and/or duration of all the environmental and phenological events that could be derived from a series of photographs taken by a fixed-point repeat camera system at...

Vegetation survey data from Climoor fieldsite in Clocaenog Forest 1999 - 2012

This dataset contains vegetation survey data from an upland heath site in the Clocaenog Forest. This was done by pin point methodology, and data includes both pin hits as well as measurements...