This new building standards data has been created using a custom built 'Cloud Connector Framework' which enables the automated collection of data from local data systems on a DAILY basis.
There are 2 layers: Points & polygons (not all local authorities collect polygon data)
Currently missing data from Western Isles
A Building Standards Register is maintained by local authorities under the terms of Section 24 of the Building (Scotland) Act 2003. Local authorities are responsible for granting permission for work to be done (building warrant) and for a completed building to be occupied (completion certificate). These registers are online and searchable and published as weekly lists in a similar way to planning applications.
Registers typically contain details of applications at the following stages of the building warrant process:
We strongly recommend that when using the WFS for this dataset, because of its size, you use it with a filter. For example with the attributes 'local_authority' and 'year'.
A powerBI dashboard highlighting some data quality issues we have found is available to view at