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Air Quality - Nitrogen Dioxide - Hourly Mean

This dataset contains the Hourly Mean Objective for Nitrogen Dioxide in Leicester City.  The hourly mean is not to exceed 200µg/m3.  18 exceedances are permitted per year.

Air Quality - PM10 - 24 hour Mean

This dataset contains the 24 hour Mean for PM10 (Particulate Matter) in Leicester City.  The 24 hour mean is not to exceed 50µg/m3.  35 exceedances are permitted per year.Terms used in the...

Geomagnetic observatory hourly and minute means

Hourly and minute means of the geomagnetic field vector components from observatories around the world from, respectively, 1883 and 1969, to the present day. At present there are about 160...

DC2 Modern Mean High Water Spring

Mean High Water Springs tide line extracted from high resolution Digital Elevation Models, typically derived from airborne LiDAR datasets. Date of survey varies spatially, query line for source...

MAAT (Means assesment tools in Magistrates and Crown Court Cases)

Crime legal aid application containing client personal and financial details, means assessment details, such as Magistrates Means Assessment & , Crown Court Means Assessment, Benefit Status...

Mean house price

Average house price (with regular updates) Source: Land Registry Publisher: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), Government Office Region (GOR),...

UK Geomagnetic Observatory Hourly Mean Values.

Digital hourly mean values of the Geomagnetic field elements from Lerwick, Eskdalemuir, Abinger and Hartland Observatories. Eskdalemuir data are available from 1911, Lerwick from 1926, Hartland...

NIHPI Mean Median and Standardised Price by Property Type

The mean, median and standardised price of properties sold each quarter presented by property type from Q1 (January-March) 2005.

Sandwell MBC Continuous Air Quality Assessment -Annual Mean Pollutant Concentrations

Location of sites where air quality monitoring has been undertaken and the annual mean concentration for a range of pollutants has been calculated by Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council. The...

CIS (Legal Aid Work and Civil Representation means & merits)

Contains client information in both crime and civil cases, personal details, providers of legal services details, details of fees, appeal case information. Holds Legal Aid Work relating to Civil...

CCMS (Legal Aid Work and Civil Representation means & merits)

System enabling applications for certificated civil legal aid to be applied for online by providers (legal aid solicitors). Processed by Legal Aid Agency staff and for the management and payments...

Perch weekly mean sizes from Green Tuft 1946-2012

This dataset consists of weekly mean sizes of Perch (Perca fluviatilis) from trapping at Green Tuft, Windermere, Cumbria, sampled between 1946 and 2012. Perch have been monitored in the north and...

Mean House Prices (Land Registry)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fulford (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fulford (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fishergate/Paragon (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Fishergate/Paragon (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Lawrence St (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Lawrence St (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Salisbury Terrace (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Salisbury Terrace (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Gillygate / LMW (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Gillygate / LMW (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

Mean House Prices - Land Registry (Quarterly)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Rougier St/GHS (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)

Average Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide concentration in Rougier St/GHS (ug/m3) (Calendar Year)