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Inner Ultra Low Emissions Zone Expansion 2021

The Ultra Low Emission Zone will be expanded from the 25 October 2021 to include the area up to the North and South circular roads (from the Congestion Zone). ULEZ was introduced to clean up...

MMO1040 Current Aquaculture Potential Web Mapping Service (WMS)

Areas identified through GIS modelling of suitable environmental conditions in the South and East Marine Plan Areas favourable for macroalgae culture, Bivalve Bottom Culture, Finfish Cage, Lobster...

MMO1040 Current Aquaculture Potential Web Feature Service (WFS)

Areas identified through GIS modelling of suitable environmental conditions in the South and East Marine Plan Areas favourable for macroalgae culture, Bivalve Bottom Culture, Finfish Cage, Lobster...

DBS application volumes by Potential Employer name for March 2013

Data provides a list of the potential employer names and the volumes of paper/online applications submitted in the full month of March 2013.Produced for an FOI request.

Low birth weight live births

This dataset contains counts of low birth weight (less than 2500 grams) live births occurring in the calendar year in England and Wales to mothers usually resident in England and Wales. Source:...

NI 187 Tackling fuel poverty - % of people receiving income based benefits living in homes with a low energy efficiency rating

Fuel poverty is the requirement to spend 10% or more of household income to maintain an adequate level or warmth. The energy efficiency of a house can be measured using the Standard Assessment...

Potential Sites Nature Conservation Interest

Potential Sites Nature Conservation Interest (pSNCI). Designations used by local authorities in England for sites of substantive local nature conservation and geological value. Upon accessing this...

Thurrock Potential Local Wildlife Sites

This data shows local potential wildlife sites, locally designated and supports the Greengrid and Local Development Framework Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted...

Areas of High Archaeological Potential (EE7)

Policy from the Runnymede Borough Council 2030 Local Plan (Adopted 16th July 2020). Designated as Policy EE7, this dataset shows locations of important archaeological sites. The Runnymede Local...

Hackney Potential New Open Spaces

Potential New Open Spaces in Hackney. Created over OS MasterMap data. Boundaries have been created in accordance with planning policies which we will use, together with the London plan, the core...

Potential Sites Nature Conservation Interest

Potential Sites Nature Conservation Interest (pSNCI). Designations used by local authorities in England for sites of substantive local nature conservation and geological value. Upon accessing this...

NI 187a - Tackling fuel poverty - percentage of people receiving income based benefits living in homes with a low energy efficiency rating

Fuel poverty is the requirement to spend 10% or more of household income to maintain an adequate level or warmth. The energy efficiency of a house can be measured using the Standard Assessment...

NI 187 - Tackling fuel poverty - percentage of people receiving income based benefits living in homes with a low energy efficiency rating

Fuel poverty is the requirement to spend 10% or more of household income to maintain an adequate level or warmth. The energy efficiency of a house can be measured using the Standard Assessment...

Children in Absolute low income households by ward 2021-22

The Children in low-income families' local area statistics (CiLIF), provides information on the number and proportion of children living in Absolute low income by local area across the United...

Children in Relative low income households by ward 2021-22

The StatXplore Children in low-income families' local area statistics (CiLIF) provides information on the number of children living in Relative low income by local area across the United...

Areas of Archaeological Potential

Areas of Archaeological Potential (AAPs) are areas within the historic cores of towns and villages, where, on the basis of current knowledge, it is likely that archaeological remains will be...

National Minimum Wage in 2021

New rates of the National Living Wage (NLW) and National Minimum Wage (NMW) come into force on 1 April 2021. These follow recommendations made in the autumn by the Low Pay Commission (LPC). To mark...

NI 014 - Avoidable contact: the proportion of customer contact that is of low or no value to the customer the council failing to do something or do something right for the customer

The indicator will measure the total number of customer contacts against the total number of resolved customer requests, expressed as a percentage. Source: Cabinet Office (CO) Publisher: DCLG...

NI 014 - Avoidable contact: the proportion of customer contact that is of low or no value to the customer the council failing to do something or do something right for the customer

The indicator will measure the total number of customer contacts against the total number of resolved customer requests, expressed as a percentage.

% of total births where low birth weight recorded (under 2500g)

% of total births where low birth weight recorded (under 2500g)