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Farm Household Income and Household Composition, England

Information on farm household income and farm household composition. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Focus on Ethnicity and Religion

Brings together statistics from the Census on the key demographic, geographic, household and labour market differences between the main ethnic and religious groups in Great Britain. Source agency:...

COVID-19 Deaths Mapping Tool

This mapping tool enables you to see how COVID-19 deaths in your area may relate to factors in the local population, which research has shown are associated with COVID-19 mortality. It maps...

SQA Examination Results in Scottish Schools

National and Education Authority level statistics on Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) examination results (pre-appeal). Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Wind Turbines - Fife

A spatial dataset of all wind turbine applications over 15m (non-domestic) in height excluding scoping/screening/pre-app stages. Information recorded includes Planning application reference, Number...

2015, Spectrum Geosurvey, London Array Offshore Wind Farm, Consent Surveys Q3-Q4

Spectrum Geosurvey Limited was contracted by London Array Limited (hereinafter ‘the Client’) to perform a three part survey programme to fulfil the consent requirements as determined by the...

Employment Land Supply - South Ayrshire

The employment land supply is intended to meet the requirements of Scottish Planning Policy, which states (at paragraph 46) that: - “Planning authorities should ensure there is a range and choice...

2008, Galloway Fisheries Trust, Robin Rigg, Construction Year Surveys of Migratory Fish

Construction year survey of migratory fish 2008 and 2009. Reports from Galloway Fisheries Trust. Comparisons have been made between the pre- construction phase (baseline) data and the construction...

2010, Entec UK Limited, Teesside Offshore Windfarm, FEPA Monitoring - Fish Surveys

For the pre-construction baseline monitoring requirements of the FEPA licence, fish surveys have been carried out throughout the 2010 seasons. This metadata file has been created by The Crown...

2006 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA7 An Overview of Cephalopods Relevant to the SEA7 Area (NE Atlantic west of Scotland)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA7) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change).The class Cephalopoda...

Summary of Indicative Quality Indicator Results from HMIE Inspections

Indicative results of HMIE pre-school, school and child protection inspections. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

2014, Brown and May Marine Ltd., Ormonde Offshore Wind Farm, Adult and Juvenile Fish and Epi-benthic Post-Construction Survey

The aim of the survey was to establish the abundance and composition of adult and juvenile fish and epi-benthic species within the area of the Ormonde offshore wind farm. A further aim was to...

Clinical signs listed in Periodic Safety Update report data submitted to the VMD

The dataset includes all the clinical signs included in the line listings submitted with periodic safety update reports submitted to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate during a one year period....

FCA: Consumer investments data review April 2021 – March 202

The FCA summarises its work to tackle consumer harm in the investment market between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022. This is the fourth Consumer Investments Data Review. It covers 1 April 2021...

2013, Fugro EMU Ltd., Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm, Year 1 Post Construction Monitoring Benthic Survey

In 2009, EMU Limited (now Fugro EMU Limited) was commissioned the pre-construction survey to inform the application for developing Sheringham Shoal wind farm. The study included assessment of the...

2011-2012, Brown and May Marine Ltd., Lynn and Inner Dowsing Offshore Wind Farms, Year 3 Post-Construction Fish and Shellfish Community Surveys

A series of pre‐construction and post‐construction surveys have been undertaken within and adjacent to the Lynn and Inner Dowsing (LID) wind farms in order to meet the requirements outlined within...

Conservation Areas

A conservation area is an area of special architectural or historic interest, with character or appearance that is desirable to preserve or enhance. The first conservation areas were designated in...

London Early Years Datastore for Childcare Sufficiency Assessments (CSA)

Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Template and Datastore for London boroughs. We have worked closely with London boroughs to produce a common template for their Childcare Sufficiency Assessments....

2013, Brown and May Marine Ltd., Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm, Post-cable Installation Elasmobranch Survey

A longline survey was undertaken in the area relevant to the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm export cable between the 27th and 29th of August 2013. The survey methodology replicated that of the...

SmartBuoy Marine Observational Network - UK Waters Phytoplankton Data 2001-2017

This dataset consists of analysed phytoplankton data from the years 2001-2017 inclusive collected in UK waters from the SmartBuoy moorings at Celtic Deep, Dowsing, Gabbard/West...