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201 results found

RAPID The Mass balance and freshwater contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: Numerical model and observational data

"The Mass balance and freshwater contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: a combined modelling and observational approach" project, which was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID...

Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland - biological comparative tables

Spreadsheet showing species information associated with habitats in the shallow section of the Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland (published in 2004). The biological comparative...

Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland - physical comparative tables

Spreadsheet showing physical information associated with habitats in the shallow section of the Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland (published in 2004). The physical comparative...

Survey of the Subtidal Sediments of the Solent Maritime SAC

Emu Limited was commissioned by Natural England to carry out an acoustic and ecological survey of the subtidal zone (areas below the Mean Low Water mark) within the Solent Maritime Special Area of...

Number of publicly available EV charging DEVICES (may have more than one charging connector) recorded on ZapMap – Rapid chargers

Number of publicly available EV charging DEVICES (may have more than one charging connector) recorded on ZapMap – Rapid chargers

RAPID To What Extent was the Little Ice Age a Result of a Change in the Thermohaline Circulation?: HadCM3 model outputs

"To what extent was the Little Ice Age a result of a change in the thermohaline circulation?" project. This was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID Climate Change Research Programme...

RAPID The Impact of Climate Change on the North Atlantic and European Storm-Track and Blocking Model output data

Data from "The impact of climate change on the North Atlantic and European storm-track and blocking" project was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID Climate Change Research...

RAPID The Impact of Climate Change on the North Atlantic and European Storm-Track and Blocking Model output data

Data from "The impact of climate change on the North Atlantic and European storm-track and blocking" project was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID Climate Change Research...

RAPID To What Extent was the Little Ice Age a Result of a Change in the Thermohaline Circulation?: HadCM3 model outputs

"To what extent was the Little Ice Age a result of a change in the thermohaline circulation?" project. This was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID Climate Change Research Programme...

Digital Archive from The Inner Humber Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Project, 2019 to 2021

This collection comprises gis and spreadsheets from the Inner Humber Estuary Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Project which was part of a national programme funded by Historic England. The...

Digital Archive from The Inner Humber Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Project, 2019 to 2021

This collection comprises gis and spreadsheets from the Inner Humber Estuary Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Project which was part of a national programme funded by Historic England. The...

Invertebrate Common Standards Monitoring and ISIS Test Data

This dataset represents an accumulation of invertebrate records from both common standards monitoring (CSM) and the testing of ISIS (Invertebrate Species-habitats Information System). Invertebrate...

Invertebrate Common Standards Monitoring and ISIS Test Data

This dataset represents an accumulation of invertebrate records from both common standards monitoring (CSM) and the testing of ISIS (Invertebrate Species-habitats Information System). Invertebrate...

Rate of publicly available EV charging DEVICES (may have more than one charging connector) recorded on ZapMapper 100,000 population – Rapid chargers

Rate of publicly available EV charging DEVICES (may have more than one charging connector) recorded on ZapMapper 100,000 population – Rapid chargers

Species point records from 1991 MNCR Loch Long (Lochalsh) littoral survey

This rapid survey was undertaken to supplement observations from Loch Long in Connor 1989 (CSD Report 977, MNCR Report SR/010) and particulary to investigate distribution of species on hard...

Habitat point records from 1991 MNCR Loch Long (Lochalsh) littoral survey

This rapid survey was undertaken to supplement observations from Loch Long in Connor 1989 (CSD Report 977, MNCR Report SR/010) and particulary to investigate distribution of species on hard...

Innovation Portfolio CIS 2016 2017

The Innovation Portfolio CIS 2016 2017 is a list of the business-led IT-enabled innovation initiatives for April 2016 to March 2017. Innovation opportunities pass through a formally defined and...

Health risks of bathing waters: Links between gastrointestinal illness and marine bathing

The 2006/7/EC European Bathing Directive stipulates water quality classification standards for recreational bathing waters based on specified limits for Faecal Indicator Organisms (FIOs). Presence...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1983/5: Irish Sea & English Channel (12/08/1983 to 30/08/1983)

Report: Brett, CP. 1984. Operations Report on Project 83/05. Gravity and Magnetic Survey along WINCH and SWAT Lines and Regional Geophysical Survey in the Western English Channel. (IGS Report No...

Species point records from 1984 OPRU Upper Loch Sween littoral survey

Loch Sween is one of 7 locations identified in Great Britain as proposed statutory marine reserves. In order to provide information to assist in management of these areas, basic survey work to...