This collection comprises gis and spreadsheets from the Inner Humber Estuary Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey Project which was part of a national programme funded by Historic England. The project was undertaken by Cornwall Archaeological Unit, Cornwall Council, Coastal and Offshore Archaeological Research Services (COARS), and University of Southampton between 2019 and 2021.
The project consisted of a desk-based assessment of the threat posed to heritage assets by flooding, rising sea levels and increasing rates of coastal erosion.
The survey area covered 247 sq km; from the lowermost limits of the Rivers Ouse and Trent following the River Humber eastwards to the Patrington Channel on the north bank of the estuary and on the southern bank, to the parish boundary between Great Coates and Grimsby. It included estuary, the intertidal zone out to Lowest Astronomical Tide (and 1km outwards below it), with a 1km 'hinterland' to the landward side of Mean High Water.
The survey area was sub-divided according to the Flood Areas as set out in the Environment Agency's 2008 Flood Management Strategy for the River Humber, and for the eastern end of the survey area (falling within the outer Humber Estuary), in relation to the Policy Units as set in the Flamborough Head to Gibraltar Point Shoreline Management Plan (2010).
The Phase 1 Desk-based Assessment assessed the data available on the character of the historic environment and heritage assets within the project area and outlined the potential threats to them in order to design a strategy for Phase 2 (Field Survey) - a draft project design for which was also a product of the project.
Overall, the project added, updated or amended 686 records to three Historic Environment Records including, the Humber HER (which covers Kingston-upon-Hull and parts of the East Riding of Yorkshire), North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire. The new records created totalled 559 for Humber, 100 for North Lincolnshire and 15 for North East Lincolnshire. Many of the new prehistoric and Romano-British records were added from the findings of previous projects, such as the Humber Wetlands Project, that had not been previously incorporated into the HERs.
Opportunities for further research, survey and outreach identified by the desk-based assessment are presented in the context of the regional themes and research aims set out in the Yorkshire and East Midlands Research Frameworks. Specific sites and areas which would benefit from further research or work are also summarised in the final report.