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R Script for: Modelling framework to quantify the risk of AMR exposure via food products

Script for a stochastic modelling framework built in R to quantify the risk of AMR exposure via food products. It was built using several R packages to simulate probability distribution, compute...

GP Extended Opening Hours

Provides information pertaining to the Governments key priorities for improving routine access to GP services in evenings and at weekends. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics...

Modelled subjective wellbeing, 'Life Satisfaction', average rating

Average (mean) rating for 'Life Satisfaction' by LSOA in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey, April 2011 - March 2012 The Department for Communities and Local Government...

Modelled subjective wellbeing, 'Happy Yesterday', average rating

Average (mean) rating for 'Happy Yesterday' by LSOA in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey, April 2011 - March 2012 The Department for Communities and Local Government...

RSA/NAM: TOC data used in economic modelling

Train Operating Company (TOC) revenue estimates and forecasts and - where available - detailed analysis. Data and forecasts are commercially confidential.

Visual Boundaries for the National Trip End Model (NTEM)

[GIS files for the zoning system used in the National Trip End Model (NTEM)]( Shapefiles for the zoning...

SurfZone Digital Elevation Model 2014

This dataset has been retired and replaced with Surfzone DEM 2019 dataset available here: The SurfZone Digital...

LIDAR Vegetation Object Model (VOM)

The LIDAR derived Vegetation Object Model (VOM) is a raster product produced as part of the Environment Agency’s “Keeping Rivers Cool” project. It is an attempt to identify riparian tree cover and...

Controlled Work Administration (Database of legal aid work)

Contains claim details, as submitted by a provider, including: client details, profit and disbursement costs and category of Law. The database also contains contract & schedule information and...

Major Road Network

OS Open Roads Shapefile containing links pertaining to the Major Road Network, as created by the Department for Transport in 2018. See this dataset in an [Interactive...

MMO1064 Definition of recreation modelling input parameters

This dataset provides definitions for each of the input parameters used in the MMO1064 project modelling recreation activities.

SurfZone Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - 2m

The SurfZone Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was produced in 2019. Combining LIDAR and near-shore multibeam SONAR Bathymetry elevation data, it is the best currently available Digital Elevation Model...

Gateshead mine water heat living laboratory

This data is a collection of data from sensors deployed as part of the Gateshead Living Lab, pertaining to mine water level, mine water chemistry, mine water temperature, pore water pressures and...

Modelled subjective wellbeing, ‘Worthwhile’, percentage of responses in range 0-6

Percentage of responses in the range 0-6 for 'Worthwhile' by LSOA in the First ONS Annual Experimental Subjective Wellbeing survey, April 2011 - March 2012 The Department for Communities and Local...

Defra national Pollution Climate Mapping (PCM) modelled background concentrations

Annually produced 1x1km background concentrations from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) national Pollution Climate (PCM) models. These are typically (but not uniquely)...

Rail Service Analysis: Train Operating Company (TOC) modelled data

Modelling of interventions including estimates and forecasts of revenue and demand and impact of interventions on TOC revenue and costs

Defra's Marine Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - 6 arc seconds

This dataset contains Digital Elevation Model (DEM) shapefiles for the waters surrounding the United Kingdom to a depth of 200 metres. This resolution is 6 arc seconds which covers the widest...

Modelled population backseries

These modelled annual population estimates were created for use the [GLA's population projections]( They are intended...

MMO1064 Recreation modelled output reference codes and units

This dataset provides definitions for each of the codes and units used in the MMO1064 project modelling recreation activities, including the field heading codes used in the output datasets.

MMO1064 Windsurfing Model Web Feature Service (WFS)

This model output illustrates the potential for windsurfing activity around the English Coast as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. The purpose of this study was to develop a...