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England Woodland Creation Low Sensitivity Map v3.0

The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

Noise Emission

Noise emissions in the environment testing register. Data includes noise label, declaration of conformity, testing body, authorised product licence holder in UK. Includes records relating to the...

NI 194c - Air quality - percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authority's estate and operations - Emissions of PM10

Percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authorities estate and operations

NI 194a - Air quality - percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authority's estate and operations - Emissions of Nox

Percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authorities estate and operations

Emissions Inventory for River Basin Management Plans

The Water Environment (Water Framework Directive (WFD)) (England & Wales) Regulations 2017 (referred to as WFD Regulations) provide a framework for managing the water environment in England. ...

Non-methane volatile organic chemical (VOC) emissions, by source

Non-methane volatile organic chemical (VOC) emissions, by source

NI 186 Per capita CO2 emissions in the LA area

Percentage reduction of the per capita CO2 emissions in the Local Authority Area: The indicator being assessed will comprise of an annual reduction in CO2 emissions across an agreed set of sectors...

NI 186 - Per capita CO2 emissions in the LA area

Percentage reduction of the per capita CO2 emissions in the Local Authority Area: The indicator being assessed will comprise of an annual reduction in CO2 emissions across an agreed set of sectors...

Joint Support Unit Northwood Carbon Emissions and Water Use

The total monthly equivalent carbon emissions for the JSU Northwood site and the water usage

NI 194d - Air quality - percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authority's estate and operations - Percentage reduction in PM10 emissions

Percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authorities estate and operations

NI 194b - Air quality - percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authority's estate and operations - Percentage reduction in NOx emissions

Percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authorities estate and operations

City-wide CO2 emissions

Estimates of carbon dioxide emissions.Only the Grand Total is available for 1990.  This is used to calculate the total change each year.

Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Trajectory

Department for  Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) collect Carbon (CO2) Emissions figures nationally with a 2 year time delay. These figures are published on an annual basis at Local...

Carbon Emissions (2005-2014)

This publication combines data from the UK’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory with data from a number of other sources, including local energy consumption statistics, to produce a nationally consistent set...

England Woodland Creation Low Sensitivity Map v3.0: variant 1

The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

England Woodland Creation Low Sensitivity Map v3.0: variant 2

The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

England Woodland Creation Low Sensitivity Map v3.0: variant 3

The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

Annual CO2 emissions from regulated aircraft operators

Annual emissions of carbon dioxide from aircraft operators regulated under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and assigned to the UK (data for England only). Attribution statement: © Environment...

Annual CO2 emissions from regulated installation operators

Annual emissions of carbon dioxide equivalent from installation operators in England regulated under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme holding a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit. Attribution...

Global emissions and marginal abatement cost curves for forestry 2015 -2050

The data consists of marginal abatement cost curves and Business as Usual emissions projections. The data is used as an input for the DECC GLOCAF model, which estimates future global Green House...