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Reliability of journeys on Highways Agency roads

This release presents provisional information about the reliability of journeys on the Highways Agency roads. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Highway Schemes

Highway Schemes in Stockport

Adopted highways

A full list of all highways maintained at public expense.

Highway Records

Highway status within the OMBC area. For personal, non-commercial use only. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence -...

Adopted Highway

Highway land adopted by Luton Borough Council.

Adopted Highways

Adopted highways is the term used to signify public ways that are maintained at the public expense either by the Local Highway Authority or the Highways Agency. They become adopted through...

Highway Network

Highway Network polygon layer. This Policy Area is relevant to the City Plan 2036 Strategic Policy S9: Vehicular Transport and and Local Plan 2015 Policy CS16 Public Transport, Streets and...

Highways Hierarchy

Highways hierarchy in the City of London

Adopted Highways

A GIS shapefile of publically maintained highways within the county of Durham. For more information see

Spend over £25,000 in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) publishes details of all spending over £500 using a GPC (departmental debit card) on a monthly basis. A monthly-updated list of all...

Spend over £500 in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in...

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills annual report and accounts

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) annual report and accounts. Brings together information on expenditure and performance of BIS. Includes data from the 2010-11 and 2011-12...

Workforce Management Information - Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Civil Service departments, their agencies and their executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll...

Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) business barometer

Data on SME performance and the factors that affect this. Based on a series of surveys among small and medium-sized (SME) employer enterprises across the UK. The survey assesses how well or badly...

Business growth, access to finance and performance outcomes in the recession

Data underlying the report of a study that assesses and quantifes the impacts of the financial crisis and subsequent global economic recession on the growth and performance of UK SME employers....

BEIS: senior officials business expenses, hospitality and meetings

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) publishes details of senior officials’ business expenses and hospitality and the permanent secretary’s meetings on a quarterly...

Directory of business

Staff contact directory listing staff names, telephone numbers, email, roles and management structure

National Transport Model Highway Assignment Output

Data file from the NTM V4 highway assignment module. Contains all-day trip data for 2004. Further technical information is included in the zip file.

Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay - Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

Publication of information on Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay data for departments and their agencies. Non-consolidated performance related pay is a one-off, non-pensionable lump sum for...

Tax arrangements for public sector appointees in Department for Business, Innovations and Skills

The data relates to all off pay roll engagements more than £58,200 per annum for BIS and its Partner Organisations as at 31 January 2012. The Government published a review of the tax arrangements...