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NI 126 Early access for women to maternity services

The percentage of women who have seen a midwife or a maternity healthcare professional, for health and social care assessment of needs, risks and choices by 12 completed weeks of...

Carbon Footprint For Camden Council’s Own Estate And Operations 2014-15

This database includes total energy consumption (i.e. gas, electricity, heat) in kWh and total carbon footprint in kgCO2e (calculated using Defra’s 2014 carbon emission factors) for each site that...

NI 118 Take up of formal childcare by low-income working families.

Take up of formal childcare by low-income working families. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: County/Unitary...

NI 182 Satisfaction of business with local authority regulatory services

The percentage of satisfied customers with regulatory services. The term regulatory services corresponds to local authority core functions of trading standards, environmental health and...

NI 160 Local authority tenants satisfaction with landlord services

The percentage of local authority tenants who say that they are Very satisfied or Fairly satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord. Source: Communities and Local Government...

NI 119 Self-reported measure of peoples overall health and wellbeing

Self-reported measure of peoples overall health and wellbeing Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD),...

School Revenue Balances

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education outturn statement (containing details of the...

NI 137 - Healthy life expectancy at age 65

The measure uses a self-reported health assessment, applied to life expectancy data. Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority...

NI 014 - Avoidable contact: the proportion of customer contact that is of low or no value to the customer the council failing to do something or do something right for the customer

The indicator will measure the total number of customer contacts against the total number of resolved customer requests, expressed as a percentage. Source: Cabinet Office (CO) Publisher: DCLG...

NI 088 Percentage of schools providing access to extended services

The number of schools providing access to extended services against the number of schools in the local authority, expressed as a percentage. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families...

NI 085 Post-16 participation in physical sciences (A Level Physics, Chemistry and Maths)

Number of entries for each A level Science by pupils that are aged 16-18 year olds in schools and colleges in England. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG...

NI 155 Number of affordable homes delivered (gross)

The total supply of social rent housing and intermediate housing. Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographic coverage: England Time...

NI 004 - Percentage of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality

People who feel they can influence decisions in their locality Source: Placed-Based Survey Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), County/Unitary...

Ethical & Social Governance System

Used to monitor underlying stocks that form part of some funds. No commercial or personal information. Used to monitor the risk (such as use of child labour, association with tobacco, etc.)...

NI 055 Obesity in primary school age children in Reception

Percentage of primary school age children in Reception Year who are obese, with height and weight recorded. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor...

NI 056 Obesity in primary school age children in Year 6

Percentage of primary school age children in Year 6 who are obese, with height and weight recorded. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets...

NI 161 Number of Level 1 qualifications in literacy (including ESOL) achieved

The number of learners achieving a Level 1 qualification in literacy Source: Department for Innovation Universities and Skills (DIUS) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographic...

NI 008 - Adult participation in sport

Adults (aged 16+) participating in at in sport 3 or more times each week Source: Sport Englands Active People survey Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority...

Financial reports on Local Authority expenditure on their education and children's social care functions: (section 251 formerly s52)

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education outturn statement (containing details of the...

Company Winding up and Bankruptcy Petition Statistics, England and Wales

The quarterly release presents statistics on insolvency proceedings issued in the county courts and High Court for both individuals (bankruptcy petitions) and businesses (company winding up...