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Impacts Of Welfare Changes July 2016

This presentation is part of an ongoing series of analyses of the impact of housing benefit and other welfare changes. This latest version includes possible impacts of recent government...

Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics

Summary pending Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: SWF

Welfare Support Visitor Database

Details of Veterans Welfare Staff expense claims

Cumulative Impact Assessment of Welfare Reform in London

This analysis assesses the impact of national changes to the tax and welfare system since 2010 on households in London, using analysis commissioned by the GLA City Intelligence Unit and delivered...

FSA Successful Prosecutions

Details of successful food hygiene/food safety and animal welfare/cattle identification/animal by products prosecutions, including fine amounts awarded, undertaken by Food Standards Agency.

Certificates of Competence and Slaughter Licences Issued

Number of Slaughter Licences and Certificates of Competence issued by year. Please note that Welfare Legislation changed in 2014 in Wales and 2015 in England which removed the issue of Slaughter...

Impacts Of Welfare Reform Cabinet Policy Briefing 4 February 2013

This is the fourth in a series of welfare reform impact assessments for Cabinet. • Data is correct as of January 2013 for housing benefit data or latest available data for other DWP benefits •...

FCI/CCIR - IRIS conditions

A list of post-mortem rejection conditions, agreed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in partnership with the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and representatives of the...

Evaluation of the new family returns process

The report evaluates the conformity to process, welfare and safeguarding, preparation and barriers to return of families.

Impacts Of Welfare Reform Cabinet Policy Briefing 4 February 2013 PUBLIC

• This is the fourth in a series of welfare reform impact assessments for Cabinet • Data is correct as of January 2013 for housing benefit data or latest available data for other DWP benefits •...

FCI/CCIR - IRIS conditions - Other species

A list of post-mortem rejection conditions in species other than cattle, poultry, pigs and sheep & goats, agreed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) in partnership with the Agriculture and...

Gen Z data tables – total sample; and Gen Z data tables – Gen Z sample

These two datasets provide the responses to a survey on food including what influences decisions on what people choose to eat, and what is important to people when selecting food for example price,...

Defence Patient Tracking System

The Defence Patient Tracking System (DPTS) monitors the progress of Armed Forces patients undergoing specialist treatment, to ensure that their care is delivered promptly and coherently, and to...

Customer Information System

The Customer Information System contains a record for all individuals who have registered and been issued with a National Insurance number. Under the Social Security Act 1948, all individuals that...

Animal Health Planning in England: Results from the Farm Business Survey

In 2006, the animal health and welfare module was added to the Farm Business Survey (FBS) asking some general questions on animal health planning, and more detailed questions by livestock type, on...

NI 190 Achievement in meeting standards for the control system for animal health.

Degree to which a local authority is meeting the standards of performance. The Framework Agreement is an agreement between Local Authorities, DEFRA and the Welsh Assembly Government for the...

Animal Licences

Our Environmental Health department is responsible for animal licensing. A licence is required when keeping a Pet Shop, Zoo or Animal Boarding Establishment. This dataset lists the local...

Benefit Cap

In April 2013, the government introduced a cap on the total amount of benefit that working-age people can get, so that households on out-of work benefits will no longer get more in welfare payments...

UK Depopulation report in compliance with Article 18 (4) of retained EU Council Regulation 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing

UK Depopulation report in compliance with Article 18 (4) of retained EU Council Regulation 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing. The published depopulation results are...

List of Type 2 (Long Journey) Authorised Transporters

This dataset provides a list of all transporters who are Type 2 (long journey) authorised by the Animal & Plant Health Agency under Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 (as retained) on the...