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615 results found

Section 106 Legal Agreements

Section 106 legal agreements for Coventry.

CIS (Legal Aid Work and Civil Representation means & merits)

Contains client information in both crime and civil cases, personal details, providers of legal services details, details of fees, appeal case information. Holds Legal Aid Work relating to Civil...

CCR and CCLF (Legal aid billing for Crown Court Cases)

Billing system for Crown Court cases containing personal and financial details of claimant and providers.(contracted providers of legal services)

CCMS (Legal Aid Work and Civil Representation means & merits)

System enabling applications for certificated civil legal aid to be applied for online by providers (legal aid solicitors). Processed by Legal Aid Agency staff and for the management and payments...

Births, Deaths and Other Vital Events, Scotland

Release contains details of the births, stillbirths, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships in Scotland and it's administrative areas. Source agency: National Records of Scotland Designation:...

Vital Statistics: Population and Health Reference Tables

These tables provide annual and quarterly data for a selection of key statistics under the following themes: population, demography and health. Figures for the latest quarters and years may be...

Legal Services Group - Criminal Enforcement case management system (Hermes)

Details of cases referred to the criminal enforcement teams, recording of decisions made on those cases and, where applicable, court results - including sentencing

Prosecution & Legal Service (PLS)

Case management database system. Details of prosecution cases taken and results

Historic service complaints

Table showing number of service complaints each approved regulator received during the three year period ending 31 December 2009 used to calculate regulators' shares of annual Office for Legal...

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Legal Help Line

Data on numbers of telephone calls and nature of query on the telephone duty line

London NHS Vital Signs indicators for the quality of stroke care

London Primary Care Trust (PCT) performance against the Department of Health ‘Vital Signs’ indicators on the quality of stroke care. The data shows planned performance and actual year to date...

Location of publicly funded legal services

Grid referenced location of publicly funded legal services Source: Legal Services Commission and ONS Access to Services Team Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Grid...

YDNPA Occupancy restrictions and legal agreements

Occupancy is sometimes restricted by means of a planning condition or by a legal agreement. This is an established and valuable mechanism for securing planning matters arising from a development...

Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) PCT Performance Data from VSMR

Stroke Vital Signs Monitoring Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Stroke Vital Signs Monitoring

National Forest Estate Legal Boundary Scotland 2019

This dataset is a product of the Land Transaction layer within ForesterWeb used for maintaining estate transactions in Scotland. Legal boundary relates to the estate extent held in ForesterWeb,...

National Forest Estate Legal Boundary GB 2017

Legal Boundaries This layer shows the external legal boundaries of land within FC ownership. It does not show the internal deed boundaries. Each polygon has one primary attribute: FORESTDIST :...

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Forest Legal Boundary

This layer shows the external legal boundaries of land within Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Forestry ownership. It does not show the internal deed boundaries. It has been designed to: -...

Integrated Performance Measures Monitoring

Monitors how PCTs perform against measures in the following areas: CHD-Diabetic retinopathy; CHD-NHS Health Checks; Older people-Delayed Discharge; Health Improvement-Maternity; Health...

OS MasterMap® Imagery Layer

The OS MasterMap Imagery Layer is a maintained seamless digital dataset of high-quality 24-bit colour orthorectified aerial photography of Great Britain. It provides vital information that cannot...

NI 006 - Percentage who have given unpaid help at least once per month over the last 12 months

The indicator aims to create a culture in which individuals are able to contribute to their communities by volunteering. High levels of volunteering are one sign of strong, active communities....