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649 results found

Local crime and justice ASBO tool underlying data

ASBO CDRP survey full dataset October 2003 to March 2009

Modern workplaces [consultation]: government response on flexible parental leave. Impact assessment.

Data supporting the impact assessment for proposals on extending flexible parental leave in the closed consultation on modern workplaces (URN 11/699). The new system of flexible parental leave aims...

Sight loss data tool

Statistics on loss of sight and blindness at county and district levels including projections

SuDS Opportunity Mapping Tool

User Guide for the SuDS Opportunity Mapping Tool.

MAAT (Means assesment tools in Magistrates and Crown Court Cases)

Crime legal aid application containing client personal and financial details, means assessment details, such as Magistrates Means Assessment & , Crown Court Means Assessment, Benefit Status...

International Symposium on Innovative Tools in Social Investment - invitation list

Names and contact details of stakeholders invited to the International Symposium in Nov 2012.

Metalworking machine tools

Output of UK-based manufacturers. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: MWMT

Postcode Extract Tool


Modern Correlatives for Old Soil Series

This product lists the modern correlative for (dead) soil series that are no longer separated in the current classification

Scotland's wildness - absence of modern artifacts

One of four component layer of the Scottish map of relative wildness. This layer shows the level of modern artefacts (detractors)that are visible. The dataset is on a scale of 1-256 indicating...

Effect of ozone on modern clover cultivars

Data includes impacts on root nodule biomass, stomatal conductance, injury rates, and N-fixation in the white clover cultivar (T. repens cv. crusader). An ozone-exposure experiment was conducted in...

COVID-19 Deaths Mapping Tool

This mapping tool enables you to see how COVID-19 deaths in your area may relate to factors in the local population, which research has shown are associated with COVID-19 mortality. It maps...

London's Zero Carbon Pathways Tool

London’s Zero Carbon Pathways Tool shows four ways that carbon emissions might be reduced to net zero by 2030. The Tool, developed by Element Energy, accompanies the report “[Analysis of a Net...

Local Authority Interactive Tool (LAIT)

Local Authority Interactive Tool (LAIT) An interactive spreadsheet for comparing data about children and young people across all local authorities in England. The LAIT presents information in...

Tree Canopy Cover Prioritisation Tool

This is a new tool to help decision-makers choose which locations within London might be prioritised for tree planting. This tool presents the Curio Canopy – London Tree Canopy Cover map at ward...

Coastal Change Information Tool

Ulster University were commissioned in September 2023 to produce a Coastal Change Information Tool that explained observed shoreline change dynamics for the entire Northern Ireland coastline. This...

DC2 Modern Mean High Water Spring

Mean High Water Springs tide line extracted from high resolution Digital Elevation Models, typically derived from airborne LiDAR datasets. Date of survey varies spatially, query line for source...

Workforce Data Equality - London Benchmarking Tool

This tool has been specifically designed to support the [Workforce Data Equality Guide]( It...

Modern workplaces consultation: government response. Equality impact assessment (EQIA) on flexible parental leave and flexible working

Data from the impact assessment for proposals to make employment practices in the UK more flexible and family-friendly. The data provides ethnic breakdown of male employees; male employees with a...

Separated Service Planning Tool Centre

Details of Royal Navy and Royal Marines days away from base port to ensure separated service levels not exceeded; matches competencies to positions and highlights course needs