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37 results found

Trace elements in residential indoor vacuum dust, collected via a citizen-led sampling approach and analysed by XRF (NERC Grant NE/T004401/1)

A dataset of trace metal concentrations (As, Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in indoor dust from homes from 11 countries, along with a suite of potentially contributory residential characteristics. A...

Fluid dynamics computer models

Fluid Dynamics and Indoor Dispersion Team have the data sets generated from fluid dynamics computer models (e.g. underground train, underground station, buildings, rooms). They are sometimes called...

Camden Sport And Physical Activity Needs Assessment 2009

The aim of the study was to provide a clear understanding of the extent of current provision and identify interventions that would increase participation amongst local residents. The needs...

Camden Sport And Physical Activity Needs Assessment 2009

The aim of the study was to provide a clear understanding of the extent of current provision and identify interventions that would increase participation amongst local residents. The needs...

Microbial genomic DNA data for participant collected household vacuum dust from homes across two bioclimatic regions (UK and Greece) (NERC Grant NE/T004401/1)

The <250um fraction of 19 household vacuum dust samples (collected by citizen participants during 2019-2021) were extracted using high throughput isolation of microbial genomic DNA and sequenced...

Indoor particulate matter study (PM10, PM2.5, vacuum dust) at residential homes in North-East England using a citizen-led sampling approach (NERC Grant NE/T004401/1)

A dataset of airborne particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) readings (every 3 minutes) collected by participating households in Northeast England in their kitchens and living rooms over the course of...

Sports Facilities - Scotland

This dataset contains multiple themed layers of different types of sporting facilities across Scotland. The facilities are represented as point locations, which have been captured against Google...

Secondary Shopping Frontage

This dataset consists of the boundaries of all identified secondary shopping frontages within the London Borough of Sutton, including those within Sutton Town Centre and each of the district...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: S-CAPE - Shelter and Escape in the Event of a Release of CO2 from CCS Infrastructure

The aim of this project is to develop validated and computationally efficient shelter and escape models describing the consequences of a carbon dioxide (CO2) release from Carbon Capture and Storage...

Joint Public Health England (PHE) - Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) - British Geological Survey (BGS) Radon Potential Dataset for Northern Ireland

The joint PHE-GSNI-BGS digital Radon Potential Dataset for Northern Ireland provides the current definitive map of radon Affected Areas in Northern Ireland. The Radon Potential map for Northern...

Public Health England (PHE) - British Geological Survey (BGS) Joint Radon Dataset for England and Wales

The joint PHE-BGS digital radon potential dataset provides the current definitive map of radon Affected Areas in England and Wales. It will also allow an estimate to be made of the probability that...

Radon potential for Great Britain version 2.1

Radon is a natural radioactive gas, which enters buildings from the ground. The joint Public Health England (PHE) –British Geological Survey (BGS) digital dataset Radon Potential for Great Britain...

Radon potential for Great Britain version 3

Radon is a natural radioactive gas, which enters buildings from the ground. The joint UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) (formerly Public Health England (PHE)) - British Geological Survey (BGS)...

BGS-HPA (Health Protection Agency) UK OneGeology Radon Potential Dataset

OneGeology is an international collaborative project in the field of geology supported by 113 countries, UNESCO and major global geoscience bodies. It aims to enable online access to dynamic...

Soil data from agricultural land under differing crop and management regimes, 2006-2010 - RELU Effects of scale in organic agriculture

This dataset consists of soil data for 64 field sites on paired farm sites, with 29 variables measured for soil texture and structural condition, aggregate stability, organic matter content, soil...

Flora and fauna data from agricultural land under differing crop and management regimes, 2006-2010 - RELU Effects of scale in organic agriculture

This dataset consists of ecology data from 16 paired field sites; each pair consisting of an organic and conventional farm. A multiscale sampling design was employed to assess the impact of (i)...

Higher Education Graduate Outcomes Statistics: UK, 2020/21

Higher Education Graduate Outcomes Statistics: UK, 2020/21 This Statistical Bulletin is the annual first release of Graduate Outcomes survey data. These experimental statistics cover UK higher...