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DefSy-ResPers-Per Sy Data Records

A spreadsheet holding detail on all paper files held within the section relating to DV and SC clearance cases requiring DBR-DefSy action.

HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic Radiometric VLF Survey North Midlands (OGC WxS INSPIRE)

High Resolution, Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey over north Midlands of GB. Survey flying for the collaborative BGS and World Geoscience Corporation Ltd (WGC) high resolution geophysical...

GLA High Street Boundaries

Boundaries of High Streets as developed by the Regeneration team at the Greater London Authority. NOTE: these boundaries will be used when sharing data about High Street spend and footfall. They...

Promoting high performance working

This data describes SME use of high performance work practices. It supports a report on the rationale and evidence base for policy development in high performance working. The report also...

Boundary High Water Mark

In the OS NGD Boundaries Collection, the mean high water (springs) mark is shown to the normal tidal limit (NTL). Areas of salt marsh, mudflats and so on often have extremely complicated tide...

High Court Bulletin

This publication contains information on the High Court in Northern Ireland in relation to: chancery, Queen's Bench, judicial reviews, probate, wardship and adoption, matrimonial, bails, patients,...

GLA High Street Boundaries - map

Boundaries of High Streets as developed by the Regeneration team at the Greater London Authority. NOTE: these boundaries will be used when sharing data about High Street spend and footfall. They...

High Peak Brownfield Register

High Peak Borough Council's Brownfield Register published in accordance with regulation 18(2) of the Town & Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017.

High Speed 2 Safeguarding

This is a buffer around the proposed High Speed 2 railway. Properties applying for planning permission must be flagged. Property owners within the zone who would feel adversely affected can serve...

High Streets Spend Insights

The report below includes insights derived from Mastercard retail spend data by the High Streets Data Service. The data has been aggregated London-wide and by town centre type to provide insights...


This extract is taken from ArcGIS created polygons showing areas of high weald ancient woodland within the borough of Ashford, Kent.

Development High Risk Area

The Development High Risk Area is the part of the coal mining reporting area which contains one or more recorded coal mining related features which have the potential for instability or a degree of...

High Speed Rail consultation (electronic)

Responses received to the 2011 High Speed Rail consultation (web, e-mail, scanned version of hard copy responses). Dataset contain personal information including name, address, postcode, email...

High Needs Funding Rates 2023/24

Place funding is allocated to: all types of special schools, apart from independent special schools all types of mainstream school with an SEN unit or RP, and/or a sixth form that has pupils...

High quality IT delivery Performance Report

Performance Report on High quality IT delivery. HMRC's objective is to transform the performance of the Department through the exploitation of information and technology services.

High quality IT delivery Performance Report

Performance Report on High quality IT delivery. HMRC's objective is to transform the performance of the Department through the exploitation of information and technology services.

DSA 2013 Town Centre High Wycombe

Areas of land designated in High Wycombe Town Centre, Policies HWTC1-2, HWTC7-21, DM7 and DM15 of Development Site Allocations 2013, polygons

DC2 Modern Mean High Water Spring

Mean High Water Springs tide line extracted from high resolution Digital Elevation Models, typically derived from airborne LiDAR datasets. Date of survey varies spatially, query line for source...

Bradford City Centre High Resolution Aerial Photography

Bradford City Centre High Resolution Aerial Photography

NISRA Customer Survey-High level results

This release provides high level results from the NISRA Customer Survey. Source agency: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...