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602 results found

Corrosivity Map for the UK

The dataset is a Soil Corrosivity Map for the U.K. based on the BGS DIGMapGB-PLUS Map. The creation of this dataset involves scoring the Soil Parent Material types for five different attributes...

Species point records from 1982 Jones Menai Strait littoral rock survey

This survey was undertaken as part of a general study of the Menai Strait, commisioned by NCC, required to assist in decisions related to its designation as one of Britain's Marine Nature Reserves....

Habitat point records from 1982 Jones Menai Strait littoral rock survey

This survey was undertaken as part of a general study of the Menai Strait, commisioned by NCC, required to assist in decisions related to its designation as one of Britain's Marine Nature Reserves....


The home page for byelaws associated with Military land, including the ability to access further related pages to provide comprehensive information. It is intended that this byelaws website will be...

Service Lives of R&D Assets

This suite of three articles will present ONS research into the useful life of R&D, which is due to be capitalised in the UK National Accounts from 2014. It compares estimates made using new...

Marine Geological Sample Data from around the UK (1966 onwards)

The British Geological Survey has collected over 50000 offshore samples using grabs, dredges and shallow coring devices (to a maximum depth of 6m below the sea bed). The collection also includes...

Quality Adjustment for Public Service Education

Presentation and discussion of a range of alternative methods of quality adjustment for publically provided education Look at measures based on inspection results, pupil-teacher ratios, threshold...

The Supply Side of Tourism

This report details various aspects of the supply side of tourism. It includes a national level analysis of Gross Value Added (GVA), turnover and employment in the defined set of tourism...

Compendium of UK Statistics

A compendium that pulls together comparable statistics for the 4 nations of the UK into four themes - Economy, Population and Migration, Social Indicators and Environment. The compendium includes...

Map based index (GeoIndex) fossil specimens

This layer of the GeoIndex shows the localities for which details of identified fossil specimens in the BGS Biostratigraphy Museum are databased. Only Ordovician and Silurian specimens listed...

DECC: Reports from Kingsnorth E.ON UK Carbon Capture & Storage Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) project

During 2010-11, as part of the Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Demonstration Competition process, E.ON undertook a preliminary Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study for the development of a...

Seismicity of the Bora - Tullu-Moye volcanic field, Ethiopia: 2016-2017 dataset (NERC grant NE/L013932/1)

This data set characterises the seismicity occurring within 30 km of the Bora - Tullu-Moye volcanic field between 2016 and 2017. It also provides a description of key geologic features in this...

Sharpening the U-Th Chronometer through technical developments and community implementation (NERC Grant NE/I013814/1)

This dataset comprises a series of six .xls workbooks which contain the data auxiliary material for the manuscript "Metrology and Traceability of U-Pb Isotope Dilution Geochronology (EARTHTIME...

Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas Development within or otherwise affecting the setting of a conservation area will only be permitted where it preserves or enhances the character or appearance of the conservation...

Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas Development within or otherwise affecting the setting of a conservation area will only be permitted where it preserves or enhances the character or appearance of the conservation...

Summary of Unregulated Plant Imports 2010

This dataset provides a summary of Unregulated Imports checks undertaken in 2010. Plant materials that are not subject to formal phytosantiary controls and which do not have an EU inspection...

Summary of Unregulated Plant Imports 2015

This dataset provides a summary of Unregulated Imports checks undertaken in 2015. Plant materials that are not subject to formal phytosantiary controls and which do not have an EU inspection...

Summary of Unregulated Plant Imports 2011

This dataset provides a summary of Unregulated Imports checks undertaken in 2011. Plant materials that are not subject to formal phytosantiary controls and which do not have an EU inspection...

Summary of Unregulated Plant Imports 2013

This dataset provides a summary of Unregulated Imports checks undertaken in 2013. Plant materials that are not subject to formal phytosantiary controls and which do not have an EU inspection...

Summary of Unregulated Plant Imports 2012

This dataset provides a summary of Unregulated Imports checks undertaken in 2012. Plant materials that are not subject to formal phytosantiary controls and which do not have an EU inspection...