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358 results found

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI)

The London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) is an emissions inventory which quantifies greenhouse gas emissions released to the environment from activities in London. It also quantifies...

Co-ordinated Airborne Studies in the Tropics (CAST): In-situ airborne, ozonesonde and ground based and atmospheric chemistry measurements

The CAST dataset contains data produced by the the NERC Co-ordinated Airborne Studies in the Tropics (CAST) project. CAST was a collaborative initiative with NASA's Airborne Tropical Tropopause...

Co-ordinated Airborne Studies in the Tropics (CAST): In-situ airborne, ozonesonde and ground based and atmospheric chemistry measurements

The CAST dataset contains data produced by the the NERC Co-ordinated Airborne Studies in the Tropics (CAST) project. CAST was a collaborative initiative with NASA's Airborne Tropical Tropopause...

Weather Extremes

The tables provided show the national weather records. To ensure consistency, these weather records are only given for stations with standard instruments and exposure. Although some records have...

2004 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA5 Technical Report - Cephalopods (North Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA5) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). Cephalopods are...

Energy and carbon dioxide fluxes, meteorology and soil physics observed at INCOMPASS land surface stations in India, 2016 to 2017

Eddy covariance (EC) observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of sensible heat and latent heat, momentum and net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange were measured at thirty minute resolution at...

Report: Kingsnorth E.ON UK Carbon Capture & Storage Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 06: Technical Design - Pipeline and Platform

During 2010-11, as part of the Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Demonstration Competition process, E.ON undertook a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study for the development of a commercial...

NI Air Quality

Air pollution results from the introduction of a range of substances into the atmosphere from a wide variety of sources. It can cause both short term and long term effects on health, but also on...

Dewaterability potential of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash blends using polymer dose approach

The dataset contains the chemical composition of anaerobic digestates derived from source-segregated food waste & agro-waste, with and without biomass ash, after the addition commercial polymer...

Sediment trap diatom assemblages from Rostherne Mere, Cheshire, UK (2004-2017)

This dataset includes sediment trap diatom captures and water column temperature profiles from a PhD research project at Rostherne Mere in Cheshire. These data were collected to show the...

National Coastal Erosion Risk Management (NCERM)

The National Coastal Erosion Risk Management (NCERM) map shows the spatial NCERM coastal baseline. This baseline is split to 'frontages'. These are defined as lengths of coast with consistent...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: Mid St Georges Channel: Multibeam, Benthic Sampling and Video survey msgc_cend0513: Irish Sea (01/05/2013 to 06/05/2013)

Survey work began at the Mid St George’s Channel rMCZ. Hamon grab and Drop Camera survey. To increase the number of ‘regular’ stills collected from this site, short (2 minute) DC deployments were...

Images for plagioclase grain shape and size (NERC grant NE/N009894/1)

Measurements of the aspect ratio of plagioclase grains in dolerites from sills. Photomicrographs (several per sample across each of the sills, at a magnification such that the long side of the...

Devon County Council Community Directory

The Directory: a) aims to provide an information directory for use by the public and DCC staff working on behalf of the public, on individuals and organisations who provide local services to...

GLA: Interim 2015-based population projections

From January 2017 the GLA has revised its naming convention for it's population projections. Projections will now be labelled based on the latest mid-year estimate data which informs the...

2005 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA6 Technical Report - Assessment of the Status of Horse Mussel (Modiolus Modiolus) Beds in the Irish Sea off NW Anglesey

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA6) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). This report is an...

Sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) data for the UK 2016-2018

These datasets provide Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) values of sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric deposition for 5x5 kilometres (km) grid squares of the UK averaged over the years...

Sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) data for the UK 2015-2017

These datasets provide Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) values of sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric deposition for 5x5 kilometre (km) grid squares of the UK averaged over the years...

Deposition of nitrogen, sulphur and base cations to the UK (1986-2012)

These datasets provide Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) values of nitrogen, sulphur and base cations deposition for 5x5 kilometre (km) grid squares of the UK averaged over the years...

Sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) data for the UK (2011-2013)

These datasets provide Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) values of sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric deposition for 5x5 kilometre (km) grid squares of the UK averaged over the years...