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Birth registrations by dam breed April to June 2012

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains cattle passport applications received for live and dead animals, cattle born in Great Britain. applications received by all sources...

Birth Registrations by Dam Breed April to June 2011

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains cattle passport applications received for live and dead animals, Cattle born in Great Britain, applications received by all sources...

Birth Registrations by Dam Breed July to September 2011

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains cattle passport applications received for live and dead animals, cattle born in Great Britain, applications received by all sources...

Births registrations by dam breed January to June 2012

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of birth registrations by dam breed for 1 January to 30 June 2012. This includes cattle passport applications received for live...

Birth registrations by dam breed January to March 2011

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains cattle passport applications received for live and dead animals, cattle born in Great Britain, applications received by all sources...

Births registrations by dam breed July to December 2012

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of birth registrations by dam breed for 1 July to 30 December 2012. This includes cattle passport applications received for...

Birth Registrations by Dam Breed January to March 2012

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains cattle passport applications received for live and dead animals, cattle born in Great Britain. applications received by all sources...

Births registrations by dam breed January to June 2013

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of birth registrations by dam breed for 1 January to 30 June 2013. This includes cattle passport applications received for live...

Charolaise calves born by dam breed type 2012

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains cattle passport applications received for live and dead animals, cattle born in Great Britain, applications received by all sources...

Alternative Proteins Consumer Survey

An online survey to understand consumer awareness and perceptions of alternative, or novel, sources of protein. The survey was conducted with 1,930 adults aged 16-75 living in England, Wales and...

Median and capital interest payments as a percentage of income for First Time Buyers

This dataset contains quarterly median capital and interest payments as a percentage of income for first time buyers in England This dataset contains quarterly median capital and interest payments...

Ministry of Justice Non-Consolidated Performance Related Payments 2012-2013

Details of non-consolidated performance related payments (NCPRPs) awarded to staff in the Ministry of Justice and its agencies for the performance year 2012-13. The details include in-year...

EFA Payments

Details of payments made by EFA, covering BACS and CHAPS payments over £25,000 and GPC payments over £500.

Balance of Payments

Trade in goods and services, income, current and capital transfers, transactions in UK external assets and liabilities, and levels of identified assets and liabilities are detailed within the...

Exploring how to measure social integration using digital and online data

As part of the Mayor's Social Integration Strategy published in March 2018, one of the commitments was to develop a more comprehensive set of measures for social integration and to carry out...

DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change) non-consolidated performance related payments

Non Consolidated performance related payments made by Department of Energy and Climate Change to staff since financial year end March 2011 Department for Energy and Climate Change was closed in...

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500 from Wyre Forest District Council

This page lists reports of individual payments to suppliers with a value over £500 made within the month. Publication of these lists forms part of the Council's commitment to be open and...

Non-consolidated performance related payments (NCPRP) for HMT Treasury and its agencies

Non-Consolidated Performance Related Pay (NCPRP) data for HM Treasury and its agencies in respect of the performance year 2010-11 & 2011/12.

Accounts Payable - Supplier payments

Regulation 113 of the Public Contract Regulation Act 2015 requires all contracting authorities to pay undisputed invoices within 30 days. When disputed invoice payments are not paid within this 30...

Wiltshire Council - Payments to suppliers

This dataset contains details of payments made by Wiltshire Council to suppliers. Data published monthly. NB: publication threshold of individual transactions exceeding £500 was reduced in...