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WfD - Policies and Processes


WfD - Policies and Processes

Modifiable Child Deaths in England

The number of child deaths which have been reviewed by the Child Death Overview Panels, including the number which were assessed as preventable. Local Safeguarding Children Boards are responsible...

Basic Skills

Includes information on individuals who engage (via Jobcentre intervention) in any part of the basic skills process. The dataset is used to evaluate client literacy and numeracy levels. The data...

Child Maintenance Service Statistics

This publication contains information on cases being processed by the 2012 statutory child maintenance scheme, delivered by the Child Maintenance...

Milk prices and composition of milk - monthly statistics

Most milk produced in the UK is bought by dairies (registered ‘milk purchasers’) for processing. Defra runs a monthly survey in England and Wales to collect information on the volume, value and...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: UK demonstration of Enhanced Calcium looping, and first Global Demonstration of Advanced Doping Techniques

This project contributes significantly to the de-risking of a technology which has a significantly lower efficiency penalty than post-combustion capture using Monoethanolamine (MEA) scrubbing. The...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: BIO-CAP-UK - Air/Oxy Biomass Combustion with CO2 Capture Technology

To accelerate progress towards achieving operational excellence for flexible, efficient and environmentally sustainable Bio-CCS thermal power plants by developing and assessing fundamental...


Hosted by Iron Mountain: eSearch - manages the physical records (circa 3.7 million) hosted by Iron Mountain . Utilised to locate, retrieve and track all DECC's physical assets. Utilised to manage...


The list of formal complaints received and their resolution process.

Additional Statistics on Student Support Applications to Student Finance England

Provides provisional statistics showing how applications for student support in higher education are progressing through the processing stages and showing the number of payments made to students in...

Voluntary Adoption Survey

The aim of the voluntary quarterly adoption survey is to collect data which will add to and complement the data currently collected through the annual data collection. This data will be used to...

Additional Student Support Statistics

Provides provisional statistics showing how applications for student support in higher education are progressing through the processing stages and showing payments made to the students in this...

Milk prices and composition of milk - annual statistics

Most milk produced in the UK is bought by dairies (registered ‘milk purchasers’) for processing. Defra runs a monthly survey in England and Wales to collect information on the volume, value and...

Further Education Learning Aims database

Data used by SLC to offer as reference data in the application process for Advanced Learning Loans.

Information Management Physical Records System (IMPReS)

Hosted by Iron Mountain: ICMS manages the physical records (circa 3.7 million) held by Iron Mountain on behalf of DECC. Purpose: Utilised to locate, retrieve and track all DECC's physical assets,...

Children Adopted from Care in Northern Ireland

Formerly Adoption of Looked After Children. This statistical bulletin provides information about children adopted from care in Northern Ireland during the year ending 31 March. The tables in the...

Adoption of Looked After Children, Northern Ireland

This statistical bulletin presents summary information on children adopted from care in Northern Ireland during the year ending 31 March. It is based on the biennial adoption survey (AD1) completed...

Social Fund decisions

The Social Fund scheme helped people whose needs were difficult to meet from regular income. The Social Fund Computer System records and processes current and historical Social Fund applications...

Employment and Support Allowance: Outcomes of Work Capability Assessments, Great Britain

This report presents information on both new claims and claims undergoing reassessment of incapacity benefits for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) in Great Britain. It provides statistics on...