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Data on written complaints in the NHS

The NHS complaints procedure is the statutorily based mechanism for dealing with complaints about NHS care and treatment and all NHS organisations in England are required to operate the procedure....

Severn Estuary SPA Functionally Linked Land Bird Connectivity

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent of functionally linked sites, locations and counts (ie.individual records with a unique ID) of Severn Estuary SPA interest species...

GCSE and Equivalent Results in England, 2009/10 (Revised)

This Statistical First Release (SFR) provides updated information on the overall achievements of young people in GCSE examinations and other accredited qualifications in 2009/10. The information is...

NI 165 - Proportion of population aged 19-64 for males and 19-59 for females qualified to at least Level 4 or higher

Proportion of working age (19 years to retirement age) population qualified to at least level 4 or higher. People are counted as being qualified to level 4 or above if they have achieved...

Child Well-being Index (CWI) 2009: Material well-being domain

The proportion of children experiencing income deprivation. The material well-being index is a comprehensive, non-overlapping count of children living in households in receipt of both in-work and...

Working Age Client Group (WACG) - Percentages

Percentage of people claiming key benefits as a proportion of the working age population. The information is derived from count data which are already held on the Neighbourhood Statistics website:...

GP practice prescribing data - Presentation level

Warning: Large file size (over 1GB). Each monthly data set is large (over 10 million rows), but can be viewed in standard software such as Microsoft WordPad (save by right-clicking on the file...

NHS Dental Statistics for England: Patients Seen - by PCT

NHS dental statistics in England, the patients seen measure shows the number of patients who received NHS dental care in the previous 24 months, where their last Course of Treatment (CoT) started...

NI 136 - People supported to live independently through social services (all ages)

This indicator measures the number of adults aged 18-64/65+ per 1,000 population that are assisted directly through social services assessed/care planned, funded support to live independently, plus...

NHS Dental Statistics for England: Patients Seen

NHS dental statistics for England, patient seen aggregated to CCG level. The patients seen measure shows the number of patients who received NHS dental care in the previous 24 months, where their...

NHS Dental Statistics for England: Patients Seen - by Dental Practice

NHS dental statistics for England, patients seen at dental practice level. The patients seen measure shows the number of patients who received NHS dental care in the previous 24 months, where their...

Leeds Annual Cycle Growth

A dataset to show the cycle counts from 41 recorders located around the West Yorkshire district. 10 of these have no data prior to 2016, 2 no data prior to 2017 and 12 no data prior to...

Soil bacterial cell counts and moisture content from a water stress experiment [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]

These data comprise culturable cell counts in different media from soil microbial analysis within a microcosm experiment investigating moisture perturbations on microbes, set up at the Centre for...

Flower-insect timed count data from the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme, 2017-2020 version 2

This dataset contains information on the location of the count, some environmental variables, and the number of insects of each type counted for the Flower-Insect Timed Count survey as part of the...

Earthworm species identification and counts at three long-term grassland-to-woodland land use contrasts across England

This dataset contains earthworm counts and identification from three long-term grassland-to-woodland land use contrasts across England between 2018 and 2021. Each land use contrast was assigned one...

ODP Expedition 375 Hole 1520C Cretaceous Foraminifer Assemblage Count (NERC grant NE/S008853/1)

Excel file containing abundance data of planktonic foraminifer from IODP Expedition 375 Hole 1520C (41R-44R)

NI 154 Net additional homes provided

Number of net increases in dwelling stock over one year. The net increase in dwelling stock over one year is calculated as the sum of new build completions, minus demolitions, plus any gains or...

NHS Dental Statistics for England: Child Patients Seen

NHS dental statistics for England, child patient seen, by age, aggregated to CCG level. The patients seen measure shows the number of patients who received NHS dental care in the previous 24...

Surface Water Temperature Archive up to 2007

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA214. Water temperature data is collected and stored by the Environment Agency for different reasons and in different locations. Time series of...

Unemployment benefit claims

This data has been taken from LGInform at data reference ID 5470 The figures show the numbers of people claiming unemployment benefits aged between 25-49 and...