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123 results found

Household Waste Recycling Centres

This dataset comprises point data showing Bristol City Council Household Waste Recycling Centre locations

Council Houses

This dataset comprises point data providing location details of all council owned residential dwellings within Bristol..

Common Land and Village Greens

This dataset comprises polygon data showing the extent & location of all Common Land & Village Greens within Bristol.Commons are typically unfenced land in private ownership with...

Cooling Towers

This dataset comprises point data providing the locations of Cooling Towers within Bristol.The Notification of Cooling Towers and Evaporative Condensers Regulations (1992) came into force on 2nd...

Bristol Parks City Docks Water

This dataset comprises polygon data showing the area of water held by the City Docks within Bristol, which stretches from Netham Lock to the Cumberland basin.

Asset Register and Land Ownership

This dataset comprises polygon data showing the spatial extents of land and property in which Bristol City Council has a legal interest .

Article 4 Directions

This dataset comprises polygon data used to record areas within Bristol subject to Article 4 Directions.National legislation allows for Directions under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning...

Tree Preservation Orders

A Tree Preservation Order is an order made by a local planning authority in England to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands in the interests of amenity. An Order prohibits the...

Smoke Control Areas

This dataset comprises polygon data showing Smoke Control areas within Bristol.The dataset is based on paper plans created as a consequence of the Clean Air Act 1956. Smoke Control Areas are...

Solar Potential

This dataset comprises polygon data which shows an assessment of building roofs within the Bristol area for suitability for the installation of solar panels. This provides a general indication of...

Residential parking schemes

This dataset comprises polygon data defining the geographic extent of areas within Bristol where residents may apply for parking permits.

Bristol City Council DATAGOV WFS

Web Feature Service (WFS) providing access to datasets held by Bristol City Council. This service replicates the individual datasets listed under NOTE: Includes some Ordnance Survey...


Ward Boundaries from the Local Government Boundary Commission for England from May 2016

Tourist information

Location of the tourist information office(s) in Bristol

Temporary Play Street Orders

Point locations of Temporary Play Street Orders (TPSO) processed by Bristol City Council. A TPSO closes a street to traffic to let children play safely. The closure can take place as often as once...

Secondary School areas of second priority

This datasets contains the boundaries of the areas of second priortiy for secondary schools. Each school is given an area of priority and children that live within that area are given priority...

Public Toilets - Community

The Community Toilet Scheme allows members of the public to use toilet facilities provided by businesses and other organisations.

Public bike pumps

Bike pumps for public use. Bike pumps for public use maintained by various organisations including Bristol City Council, North Somerset Council and UWE.

Proposed maintenance schemes

Map layer showing locations of proposed maintenance schemes on the adopted highway.

Tree - sponsor a new tree

Tree - sponsor a new tree