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        697 results found

        Spatio-temporal variability in ecosystem properties and biodiversity in relation to fire in Sebangau National Park, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, 2003-2019

        Datasets consist of monitoring data on ecosystem properties (17 variables) and biodiversity (21 variables), collected between 2003 and 2019 from the tropical peatland of the Natural Laboratory of...

        2003 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA4 Report - Temporal variability in benthic populations from the Faroe-Shetland Channel

        This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA4) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) and discusses temporal...

        RICT - Location Checker for Model 44 Input Variables

        A database of environmental input parameters for River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS Model 44) implemented in a new version of the River Invertebrate Classification...

        Predictor variables and sedimentation rate samples used to predict sedimentation rates within the Baltic Sea from 1992 - 2017

        Input data used to predict sedimentation rate for the Baltic Sea. Observation data includes: Sedimentation rate data derived from isotope 137Cs tracers and pseudo-samples of zero sedimentation...

        Predictor variables and sedimentation rate samples used to predict sedimentation rates within the Baltic Sea from 1992 - 2017

        Input data used to predict sedimentation rate for the Baltic Sea. Observation data includes: Sedimentation rate data derived from isotope 137Cs tracers and pseudo-samples of zero sedimentation...

        IODP Exp 346: Onset and Evolution of Millennial-scale variability of the Asian monsoon (NERC Grant NE/L002655/1)

        This award was made as a sailing participant of IODP Expedition 346, an international ocean drilling programme that NERC subscribe to. As such there was a lot of data generated that is owned and...

        Daily estimates for meteorological and potential evapotranspiration variables (CHESS) and soil moisture estimates (JULES) at COSMOS-UK sites, 2013-2017

        [This dataset is embargoed until November 17, 2025]. This dataset provides daily estimates at locations that are part of the COSMOS-UK monitoring network for meteorological and potential...

        Geophysical, hydraulic and mechanical properties of synthetic versus natural sandstones under variable stress conditions. (NERC grant NE/R013535/1)

        The use of synthetic samples for rock physics experiments in the lab is a common practice for reservoir characterization and reservoir studies. This dataset gather ultrasonic P- and S-wave...

        Mean and variability of topsoil organic carbon concentrations across Great Britain at 1km resolution from an ensemble of eight digital soil maps

        This dataset presents the mean topsoil (0-15 cm) organic carbon concentration (g kg-1) and measures of its variability at 1 km resolution across Great Britain. The mean and variability metrics were...

        Predicting marine phytoplankton community size structure from empirical relationships with remotely sensed variables

        Abundance and species composition were determined for phytoplankton in 361 water samples collected at 12 sites: five transects from 488N to 508S in the Atlantic Ocean, the Benguela upwelling, the...

        Predicting marine phytoplankton community size structure from empirical relationships with remotely sensed variables

        Abundance and species composition were determined for phytoplankton in 361 water samples collected at 12 sites: five transects from 488N to 508S in the Atlantic Ocean, the Benguela upwelling, the...

        Aragonite precipitation rates from seawater of variable pH, saturation state, biomolecule composition and temperature

        Precipitations were conducted using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique between August 2020 and April 2022. Aragonite precipitation rates are estimated from the rate of...

        Interrogating Trees as Archives of Environmental Sulphur Variability Project: Sulphur Dendrochemistry measurement collection from trees in Italy and in the UK

        Sulphur is an element which is fixed within the woody tissues during growth and can be used with certainty for environmental reconstruction. That sulphur should be the element which is fixed...

        Interrogating Trees as Archives of Environmental Sulphur Variability Project: Sulphur Dendrochemistry measurement collection from trees in Italy and in the UK

        Sulphur is an element which is fixed within the woody tissues during growth and can be used with certainty for environmental reconstruction. That sulphur should be the element which is fixed...

        Climate hydrology and ecology research support system potential evapotranspiration dataset for Great Britain (1961-2017) [CHESS-PE]

        [THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Gridded potential evapotranspiration over Great Britain for the years 1961-2017 at 1 km resolution. This dataset contains two potential evapotranspiration...

        ONS VML Annual Population Survey (APS)

        Provides data on social and socio-economic variables.

        Element ratios of seawater and of aragonite precipitated in vitro from seawater at 25°C over variable pH and seawater saturation state and in the presence and absence of amino acids (aspartic acid, glutamic acid and glycine)

        Strontium/calcium, magnesium/calcium, lithium/calcium and boron/calcium ratios of 107 aragonite samples precipitated in vitro using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique...

        Census Dashboards

        LSOA and ward dashboards including a range of census variables and comparitors.

        Potential evapotranspiration derived from Climate Hydrology and Ecology Research Support System meteorological gridded climate observations (Hydro-PE CHESS), 1961-2019

        This dataset contains two gridded potential evapotranspiration variables for Great Britain from 1961-2019: daily total potential evapotranspiration (PET; kg m-2 d-1) and daily total potential...

        Social housing sales

        These tables provide the latest, most useful data, presented by type and other variables, including by geographical area or time.