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Access contraints
Specific licensing conditions: 1. You are not permitted to use the data for commercial activity unrelated to classifying the ecological quality of the rivers. And if we have indicated to you in writing that only some of the Information is subject to a third party restriction this condition will be limited accordingly. 2. We have restricted use of the Information as a result of legal restrictions placed upon us to protect the rights or confidentialities of others. If you contact us in writing (this includes email) we will, as far as confidentiality rules allow, provide you with details including, if available, how you might seek permission from a third party to extend your use rights. 3. This condition does not apply if use is limited to use that is authorised by any statute or use that does not require a licence from us.
Harvest GUID
Latitude: 59.716219° to °
Longitude: -8.373505° to 2.313993°
Spatial reference system
Dataset reference date
2020-06-25 (creation)
2020-06-25 (revision)
Frequency of update
Responsible party
Environment Agency (pointOfContact)
ISO 19139 resource type
Metadata language
Source Metadata


Licence information

Environment Agency Conditional Licence (, Specific licensing conditions:\n1.\tYou are not permitted to use the data for commercial activity unrelated to classifying the ecological quality of the rivers. And if we have indicated to you in writing that only some of the Information is subject to a third party restriction this condition will be limited accordingly.\n2.\tWe have restricted use of the Information as a result of legal restrictions placed upon us to protect the rights or confidentialities of others. If you contact us in writing (this includes email) we will, as far as confidentiality rules allow, provide you with details including, if available, how you might seek permission from a third party to extend your use rights.\n3.\tThis condition does not apply if use is limited to use that is authorised by any statute or use that does not require a licence from us.