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Population estimates for females at Local Authority level

Population estimates measuring resident population in each local area and structure of the population in these areas by age and sex Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS): Population...

Local Area Labour Markets in Scotland: Statistics from the Annual Population Survey

Summary publication of results from the Annual Population Survey, presenting analysis on the labour market, education and training. Results are provided for Scotland and local authority areas in...

Population Projections

Use this interactive tool to compare the projected resident populations of selected areas and how they may change over time. Data are available for regions, counties and Local Authorities in...

Subnational Population Projections

Subnational population projections for England, based on the population at 30 June 2012. These use past trends to project forward the population to give an indication of the future population for...

ID 2007 Population estimates

ID 2007 population estimates (constructed using a combination of the 2001 Census and the 2005 Mid-Year Estimates (MYEs)) Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and...

Annual Population Survey

Annual Population Survey household datasets allow production of family and household labour market statistics at local area and small sub-groups of the population across the UK. Source agency:...

Population Survey

A residence based labour market survey encompassing population, economic activity (employment and unemployment), economic inactivity and qualifications. These are broken down where possible by...

Population density

Population density: Persons per hectare Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Area...

Sub-national population projections

Subnational population projections use past trends to project forward the population to give an indication of the future population for 25 years from the base year. Available for local authorities...

Population Estimate

Office for National Statistics (ONS) Population Estimates by district, ward, parish, neighbourhood plan area, MSOA (Medium layer super output area) , LSOA (Lower layer super output area), age and...

Annual Population Survey - Working age population by disability

Disability and primary reason for disability Source: Annual Population Survey (APS) Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), County/Unitary Authority, Government Office Region...

Population Projections

Population Projections from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). These are the official projections of the future resident population in Lincolnshire. Population projections show estimates...

Population estimates (five year age bands)

Population estimates measuring resident population in each local area and structure of the population in these areas by age and sex. Broken down for five year age bands Source: Office for National...

Housing-led population projections

The housing-led projections reconcile future population growth with available housing supply by incorporating a housing supply trajectory. The housing-led projections are recommended for most local...


The most recent estimate of the Borough's population as supplied by ONS

Population Mid-Year Estimates

Population Mid-year Estimates from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). These are the official estimates of the resident population in Lincolnshire. ONS uses information from the census and...

Trend-based population projections

The trend-based projections include a range of variants based on different assumptions about future levels of migration. The projections are produced for all local authorities in England &...

Clinical Commissioning Group Population Estimates

This product is part of the set of Small Area Population Estimates (SAPE). It includes estimates of the usually resident population as at 30 June of the reference year for health geographies in...

National Population Database

The National Population Database (NPD) is a point-based Geographical Information System (GIS) dataset that combines locational information from providers like the Ordnance Survey with population...

National Population Database

The National Population Database (NPD) is a point-based Geographical Information System (GIS) dataset that combines locational information from providers like the Ordnance Survey with population...