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        592 results found

        Affordable Homes Delivered

        This indicator is part of the Council's corporate indicator set - KI H2 These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end The 3 year target was to deliver 400 affordable...

        Affordable Homes Delivered

        This indicator is part of the Council's corporate indicator set - KI H2 These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end The 3 year target was to deliver 400 affordable...

        Affordable houses built

        Data showing the number of affordable houses built in Plymouth

        FGS Tree Health - Options

        Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use. As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change...

        Affordable Housing Completions

        Two sets of data are provided: The number of affordable homes completed each year; and an average over a 5 year rolling period, by district within the Cambridge houinsg sub-region (which covers...

        Affordable Housing Supply, England

        This release presents data on affordable housing supply in England. This was previously entitled 'Gross Affordable Housing Supply’ and has been renamed to 'Affordable Housing Supply’. This is...

        Local Plan Issues and Options Draft 2014 Barrow Primary Shopping Area Option 1

        Option 1 for designated Barrow Primary Shopping Area from the Local Plan Issues and Options Draft 2014 Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

        Local Plan Issues and Options Draft 2014 Barrow Primary Shopping Area Option 2

        Option 2 for designated Barrow Primary Shopping Area from the Local Plan Issues and Options Draft 2014 Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to...

        Affordable Housing Market Areas

        Affordable Housing Market Areas in Sheffield.

        Waste food disposal options review

        Review of options for disposal of food contaminated with biological threat list agents

        Affordable Homes Guarantees Programme

        Allocations for the Affordable Homes Guarantee Programme 2013-16 delivery

        Gross Affordable Housing Supply, England

        This release presents data on affordable housing supply in England. This was previously entitled 'Gross Affordable Housing Supply’ and has been renamed to 'Affordable Housing Supply’. This is...

        Adult Learning Option Pilot

        The Adult Learning Option Pilot enabled those on benefits to take up full-time study for their first Level 2 qualification, without loss of benefits. The data includes a record of the...

        Affordable housing provision

        All new affordable housing completions/ acquisitions Source: Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix, Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and Local Government...

        Affordable housing completions 5 year average

        CSV file containing total affordable housing completions, 5 year rolling average based on 1991/2 to 2012/13. Number of affordable homes built (completed) by financial year of various affordable...

        Environmental Stewardship Scheme Options (England)

        Environmental Stewardship Live Option Points derived from Genesis tables. Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database...

        Affordable houses customer survey

        Data showing customer survey results for those in new affordable homes. Survey is no longer conducted and will not be updated.

        Affordable Housing Completions 2002-2016

        Gross affordable housing completions in Cambridgeshire by district 2002-2016. Number of affordable homes completed (built) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2015/16 according to annual...

        Impact indicator: affordable housing starts

        Number of affordable housing starts (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated: Total reported numbers of starts under the relevant programmes within the reporting period. Because...

        Impact indicator: affordable housing completions

        Number of affordable housing completions (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated: Total reported numbers of completions under the relevant programmes within the reporting period....