This dataset comprises the results of an expert consultation and
epidemiological study conducted by Cefas and partners, as part of the Parafish
Control project. The data were collected in order to produce a farm level
modelling tool which fish farmers can use to assess the potential economic
impact of parasites Ceratothoa oestroides, Enteromixum leei and
*Sparicotyle chrysophrii *at the farm level. The relative risk posed to a
potential or existing site based on characteristics such as the number of
supplying hatcheries, and number of farms operating in the area. Site
management practices such as frequency of mortality removal, use of fallowing,
and frequency of net changes are also considered, and farmers are offered the
chance to consider the cost associated with changing their practices to a
lower risk option.
The underlying data used in the model calculations are yet to be published (as
of 12/11/2019). They are derived from two connected studies which are
described briefly below.
The first of these was an expert consultation. Various risk factors associated
with the introduction and proliferation of these parasites at aquaculture
sites were identified and an online questionnaire exploring their impacts in
relation to these risk factors was completed independently by a group of
experts (veterinarians, officials etc.). A Delphi style consultation meeting
was then held, where the questionnaire results were presented by a moderator
and discussed by the experts, and agreement reached on numerical values.
The second study collected information from 39 mediterranean cage farms. The
information collected covered the same range of risk factors as the previous
study (farm location, size, environment, management and husbandry practices)
together with information on their experience with the parasites (presence,
associated mortalities and growth retardation, parasite monitoring and
The .csv files contain a subset of all the data collected which are relevant
to the economic model, the factors having been determined based on statistical
significance and practical relevance.
The full datasets from the two studies are not available at present. The data
and associated reports are Confidential within the Parafish project but are
being developed into peer-reviewed manuscripts. Links will be provided when
these are published.
The economic model can be found here
.. here