Abundance data of microlitter (including microplastics) in riverine samples
(sediment, surface waters and biota) were collected at selected locations
across the Orange-Senqu River basin and associated land use in 2021.
The file entitled 'List microlitter biota' presents the abundance of
microplastics in riverine biota at selected locations across the Orange-Senqu
River basin.
The file entitled 'List microlitter sediment' presents the abundance of
microplastics in riverine sediments at selected locations across the
Orange-Senqu River basin.
The file entitled 'List microlitter surface waters' presents the abundance of
microplastics in riverine surface waters at selected locations across the
Orange-Senqu River basin.
The file entitled 'LU' summarises the local watershed traits including
population density, land use, rainfall and flows.