Core Breeding Area, in Scotland, of the Pine Tree Lappet Moth as of 31st December 2019. Timber movement restrictions apply to pine species (and non-pine conifers growing within pine coupes) in the Core Breeding Area between 18 May and 31 August.
The pine tree lappet moth (Dendrolimus pini) has a very wide range in Europe and Russia. In some countries it is known to be an extremely serious periodic pest on (mainly) pine over very extensive areas. Its caterpillars eat pine needles and can cause heavy and sometimes total defoliation, either weakening trees and leaving them vulnerable to secondary attacks by other pests/diseases or, in severe cases, killing the host trees. The primary host of this moth is Scots pine but it can feed on other pine species and in outbreak conditions it will also feed on other conifers.
Within the UK, this moth is only known to occur in the Inverness/Beauly catchment area, where a male moth was first detected in 2004 (and a breeding population subsequently confirmed in 2009). Although male moths can fly significant distances (kilometres), female moths are far less mobile due to their egg loads. Longer distance spread can occur through the movement of cocoons and larvae on wood and foliage. A containment programme was launched in 2009 to minimise the risk of further spread. Statutory controls on the movement of timber and branchwood from the breeding area have been in place since 2010. An annual programme of population monitoring has shown that the population density remains very low and the moth remains confined to a relatively small area in the Beauly catchment.
Conifer timber movement restrictions apply to the pine tree lappet moth Core Breeding Area between 18 May and 31 August (unless an owner can demonstrate through validated surveys that a breeding population of the pine tree lappet moth is not present). There are no restrictions on timber harvesting or extraction to roadside within this period. From 1 April 2021, the timber movement restrictions will continue to apply to all pine species but, in recognition of the continuing low densities of pine tree lappet caterpillars since 2008, restrictions on the movement of non-pine conifers will be reduced to only those growing in mixture (intimate or group) within pine coupes. No timber movement restrictions will apply outside the Core Breeding Area, but this will be kept under annual review based on results from wider area surveillance. A timber movement permission from Scottish Forestry is required in order to remove conifer timber from the Core Breeding Area at any time throughout the year.