Three surveys of North St Georges Channel rMCZ site have been completed to
date (Apr 2015):
Cruise: ITTnsgc1_2012
Date: 23rd February 2012 - 31st March 2012
Data collected:
MB Bathymetry Coverage (Contractor):100%
MB Backscatter Coverage (Contractor): 100%
SS Coverage: Partial Coverage (ITT12012) & (Cefas_cend0513)
Video and Stills Samples to date: None acquired to date
PSA Samples to date: None acquired to date
Infauna Samples to date: None acquired to date
Cruise: Cend0513
Date: 2013-04-18 — 2013-05-07
Data collected:
MB Bathymetry Coverage (Contractor): None acquired to date
MB Backscatter Coverage (Contractor): None acquired to date
SS Coverage: Partial Coverage (ITT12012) & (Cefas_cend0513)
Video and Stills Samples to date: 159 video transects; 1594 stills analysed
PSA Samples to date: 4
Infauna Samples to date: 9
Cruise: Cend0312
Date: 3rd February 2012 - 5th February 2012
Data collected:
MB Bathymetry Coverage (Contractor): None acquired to date
MB Backscatter Coverage (Contractor): None acquired to date
SS Coverage: None acquired to date
Video and Stills Samples to date: 34 video transects; 228 stills analysed (654
stills taken) - Usable
PSA Samples to date: 78
Infauna Samples to date: 82