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Download SSSI Feature Condition Map WMS , Format: WMS, Dataset: SSSI Feature Condition Map WMS | WMS | 01 May 2015 | Not available |
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- Added to
- 2015-04-30
- Access contraints
- Available under an OS Open Data licence . You must always use the following attribution statement to acknowledge the source of the information: Copyright Scottish Natural Heritage Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right (year)
- Harvest GUID
- 840689de-a5dc-4bc8-8798-e3f37b3ed84b
- Extent
- Latitude: 61.46459° to °
- Longitude: -7.75714° to -0.53202°
- Spatial reference system
- OSGB 1936 / British National Grid (EPSG:27700)
- Dataset reference date
- 2014-02-28 (publication)
- Frequency of update
- asNeeded
- Responsible party
- Scottish Natural Heritage (distributor)
- ISO 19139 resource type
- service
- Metadata language
- eng
- Source Metadata
Licence information
no limitation; Available under an OS Open Data licence . You must always use the following attribution statement to acknowledge the source of the information: Copyright Scottish Natural Heritage Contains Ordnance Survey data \u00a9 Crown copyright and database right (year)