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Modern Correlatives for Old Soil Series

This product lists the modern correlative for (dead) soil series that are no longer separated in the current classification

Consultation on modern workplaces: impact assessments

Underlying data from the impact assessments underlying the consultation on modern workplaces [URN 11/699] Underlying data from the impact assessments: Underlying data from the publication Working...

Scotland's wildness - absence of modern artifacts

One of four component layer of the Scottish map of relative wildness. This layer shows the level of modern artefacts (detractors)that are visible. The dataset is on a scale of 1-256 indicating...

Effect of ozone on modern clover cultivars

Data includes impacts on root nodule biomass, stomatal conductance, injury rates, and N-fixation in the white clover cultivar (T. repens cv. crusader). An ozone-exposure experiment was conducted in...

Chester Archaeological Period Characterisations: Roman

The Chester Archaeological Period Characterisations were created as part of the Chester Urban Archaeological Database (UAD) Project and encompass the Chester non parish area and civil parishes of...

Modern workplaces [consultation]: government response on flexible parental leave. Impact assessment.

Data supporting the impact assessment for proposals on extending flexible parental leave in the closed consultation on modern workplaces (URN 11/699). The new system of flexible parental leave aims...

Period and cohort life expectancy tables

Presents life expectancies on a period and cohort basis. Data is provided by age and sex for the UK and its constituent countries. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

Map based index (GeoIndex) modern and historical recorded earthquakes

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of earthquakes within the UK. The historical catalogue has been compiled, in general, from macroseismic observations (ie felt...

Cases Closed by ASB Hub within Period - Resolved

Cases Closed by ASB Hub within Period - Resolved *This indicator has been discontinued

Permanent and Fixed Period Exclusions from Schools in England

Provides information about exclusions from schools in England. Reports trends in the number of permanent and fixed-period exclusions. Source agency: Education Designation: National...

Field photographs of rock formations or modern precipitates from the sedimentary environment (NERC Grant NE/M010953/1)

Field photographs of rock formations or modern precipitates from the sedimentary environment. Samples were collected throughout the UK. This data was collected between February 2019 and November...


NI Water Annual Information Return 2019 2020 Table 10A Non Financial Measures Security of Supply Index Critical Period (total)

DC2 Modern Mean High Water Spring

Mean High Water Springs tide line extracted from high resolution Digital Elevation Models, typically derived from airborne LiDAR datasets. Date of survey varies spatially, query line for source...

Historic and Projected Data from the Period and Cohort Life Tables

Presents historic and projected data from the period and cohort life tables including the expectation of life (ex) the probability of dying (qx) and the numbers surviving (lx). Data is provided by...

Spend over £25,000 in Royal Armouries Period July 2021 - September 2021

Spend over £25,000 in Royal Armouries Period July 2021 - September 2021

Spend over £25,000 in Royal Armouries Period January 2021 - March 2021

Spend over £25,000 in Royal Armouries Period January 2021 - March 2021

Spend over £25,000 in Royal Armouries Period July 2020 - September 2020

Spend over £25,000 in Royal Armouries Period July 2020 - September 2020

Spend over £25,000 in Royal Armouries Period October 2021 - December 2021

Spend over £25,000 in Royal Armouries Period October 2021 - December 2021

Spend over £25,000 in Royal Armouries Period October 2020 - December 2020

Spend over £25,000 in Royal Armouries Period October 2020 - December 2020

Spend over £25,000 in Royal Armouries Period October 2019 - December 2019

Spend over £25,000 in Royal Armouries Period October 2019 - December 2019