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GLA Ward-Level Population Projections 2012 Round, SHLAA-Based, Trend-Constraint Variant

GLA 2012 round ward-level population projections by 5yr age groups using 2009 SHLAA-based housing trajectories. These differ from the standard ward projections in that development data is used to...

Map based index (GeoIndex) water wells with water level measurements

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows sites where regularly monitored rest water level data are available, usually covering a long time period. The data shows seasonal fluctuations in...

AddressBase Premium

Our flagship address database, AddressBase® Premium gives you the most up to date, accurate information about addresses, properties and land areas. You'll be more efficient - making it easier and...

AddressBase Plus

For direct marketing teams: take your data analysis to the next level by referencing data to individual addresses (such as flats) rather than mail delivery points (houses divided into...

Interim 2015-based population projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: The 2016-based TREND projections are now available. For housing-led projections the Interim 2015-based projections remain the most current. The housing-led projections will be...

Trend-based population projections

The trend-based projections include a range of variants based on different assumptions about future levels of migration. The projections are produced for all local authorities in England &...

Work Based Learning for Adults

The Work Based Learning for Adults scheme was a voluntary training programme aimed principally at those over 25 years who had been on Jobseekers Allowance for over six months. The data includes...

AddressBase Core

In this ever-changing environment you need to have confidence that you're using the latest and most up-to-date addressing data. AddressBase Core is released weekly, keeping you more up to date with...

Higher Level Skills in London

This research, commissioned by the GLA and undertaken by RCU, establishes a stronger evidence base regarding the place and value of higher level skills (courses, apprenticeships, and qualifications...

AddressBase Islands

AddressBase® Islands delivers the detail for Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands which you find in AddressBase Plus and AddressBase Premium. AddressBase Islands is available in...

GLA: Interim 2015-based population projections

From January 2017 the GLA has revised its naming convention for it's population projections. Projections will now be labelled based on the latest mid-year estimate data which informs the...


Ordnance Survey's addressing product, AddressBase® matches 29 million Royal Mail postal address to unique property reference numbers (UPRN), bringing a geographical dimension to the matched...

BeeBase Scotland

Development of BeeBase systems for the Scottish Government and training in BeeBase for Scottish bee inspectors, Government staff and Science & Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA)

Orkney Logistics Base

Orkney Logistics Base, Hatston, is identified as a national development in National Planning Framework 4. The point location is indicative.

2016-based population projections

The 2016-based population projections are the most recent set of GLA projections. These projections will form part of the evidence based for the Mayor's new London Plan.  Note: These outputs...

Honour-Based Violence

This contains data provided by police forces and used in the HMIC report ‘The depths of dishonour: Hidden voices and shameful crimes – An inspection of the police response to honour-based violence,...

Area Based Grant Allocations

Details of projects receiving area based grants.

Fusion protein based biopesticides

Fusion protein based biopesticides for sustainable crop production.

Soil World Reference Base, Scotland WMS

In order to generate a soil map of Scotland using the WRB soil classification system, the dominant soil taxonomic unit in each 1:250 000 scale soil map units were classified according to the...

Groundwater Levels

The BGS groundwater levels dataset is a gridded interpolation of depth to groundwater. The dataset is a raster grid, with 50 × 50 metre pixels holding values that represent the probable maximum...