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Care quality commission care directory

The link contains a complete list of the places in England where people carry out care that is regulated by CQC. It includes every hospital, care home, dentist and care home agency in England as...

EWCO - Water Quality

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce pollutants through land use change that reduces fertilizer application or by creating woodland that...

Spend over £25,000 in the Care Quality Commission

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by the Care Quality Commission, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Compliance Quality Initiative (CQI)

CQI is a workbench used to record details of enquiries made into Income Tax Self Assessment and Corporation Tax Self Assessment returns. It does not include enquiries by the HMRC's Large Business...

Quality of estuaries

Quality of estuaries

High quality IT delivery Performance Report

Performance Report on High quality IT delivery. HMRC's objective is to transform the performance of the Department through the exploitation of information and technology services.

High quality IT delivery Performance Report

Performance Report on High quality IT delivery. HMRC's objective is to transform the performance of the Department through the exploitation of information and technology services.

Total dwelling stock (including non-permanent dwellings)

The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) is a statistical return to support the LA's annual Housing Strategy. It is mainly basic and policy orientated data on all tenures within each local...

Air Quality Statistics

This publication summarises the concentrations of major air pollutants as measured by the Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) in the UK: Particulates (PM10) and ozone (O3), The release...

HPI - Education quality

Health Poverty Index - Root Causes: Education quality Source: Department of Health (DoH), National Pupil Database (NPD) / Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC) Publisher: Health Poverty...

Bathing water quality

This series is an amalgamation of all the data sets relating to the Bathing Water quality. This includes the survey 2011 previously held on Data.Gov.UK (DGUK), thus consolidating all information in...

Government Procurement Card spend over £500 from the Care Quality Commission

A monthly-updated list of all transactions spending over £500 made on Government Procurement Cards by the Care Quality Commission, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in...

Central Government Property and Land including Welsh Ministers estate.

NB Since June 2016, this quarterly series of extracts of the database is discontinued and is superseded by daily extracts found at: Data files from...

Business expenses of Cabinet Office senior officials including hospitality

The Cabinet Office publishes, on a quarterly basis, details of expenses and hospitality incurred by their most senior officials.

DCLG Data4NR: Criminal damage including arson: Recorded offences

Notifiable offences recorded by the police: Criminal damage including arson. Data4NR reference

Children looked after in England (including adoption and care leavers)

Children looked after in England (including adoption and care leavers) Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

River Water Quality (Regions)

River Water Quality (Regions), including East, East Midlands, London, North East, North West, South East, South West, Wales, West Midlands, Yorkshire-Humber & RDA Summary

HPI: Quality of social care

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Quality of social care: The effectiveness of care for vulnerable individuals in society Source: Department of Health (DoH), Hospital Episode Statistics...

HPI: Quality of preventative healthcare

Health Poverty Index - Intervening Factors: Quality of preventative healthcare: Ratio of individuals being prescribed statins to individuals suffering high blood cholesterol levels Source:...

Customer details (including learners' records and exam registrations)

British Council - Details of customers and beneficiaries of the British Council's services. Data held on a variety of systems