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        Nutrient chemistry of Arctic Lakes in Greenland, Norway, Russia and Alaska

        This dataset contains nutrient chemistry data from 14 lakes in the Arctic region: 4 in Russia and Alaska and 3 in Greenland and Norway. Nutrient chemistry was measured on one occasion only at each...

        Mesoproterozoic Burzyan and Yurmatau groups, Russia, stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and Pb-U data (NERC grant NE/V010824/1)

        Organic carbon and total nitrogen isotope data for black shales and U-Pb data for apatite solutes from the Burzyan and Yurmatau groups in the Urals, Russia. For detailed discussion see Stüeken,...

        Bulk rock, glass, melt inclusion and host phenocryst geochemical compositions for materials from Tolbachik volcanic field, Kamchatka, RussiaTolbachik geochemistry (NERC Grant NE/M000303/1)

        This dataset contains bulk rock, glass, melt inclusion and host phenocryst geochemical compositions for materials from Tolbachik volcanic field, Kamchatka, Russia, together with supporting...

        International comparative performance of the UK research base

        Data on the performance of the United Kingdom's (UK) research base compared to seven other research-intensive countries (Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and US) and, where data are...

        2001 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA2 Technical report - North Sea Geology, covering subsurface geology, sea-bed sediments, sediment mobility and seismicity.

        This report is a contribution to the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA2. This review presents a summary of...

        The International Communications Market Report

        This annual report provides comparative international data on the communications sector. The aim of the report is to benchmark the UK communications sector against a range of comparator countries...

        Policy interviews on trypanosomiasis in Zambia, 2013

        This resource contains anonymised policy interviews on trypanosomiasis in Zambia from 2013 conducted by Catherine Grant (Institute of Development Studies) and Noreen Machila (University of Zambia,...

        U-Pb isotopic data for Chelyabinsk meteorite phosphates (NERC Grant NE/L002507/1)

        U-Pb isotope ratio data set for numerous phosphate (apatite) grains in two thin section samples of the LL5 S4-6 Chelyabinsk meteorite. One section is of the S4-6 light lithology, and another of the...

        COVID-19 BAME Disproportionality presentations

        Unequal impact of COVID-19: BAME disproportionality With the whole country and world waking up to the deeply entrenched structural equalities that have impacted the lives of our Black, Asian and...

        Coastal Cells

        DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

        Coastal Cell Limits

        DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

        NI First Order Coastal Cell Delineation

        DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

        Coastal Cells

        DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

        NI First Order Coastal Cell Delineation

        DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

        Coastal Cell Limits

        DAERA commissioned Ulster University to undertake a Historical Shoreline Analysis project of the Northern Ireland coastline.A key requirement of the Historical Shoreline Analysis Project was to...

        Pine Tree Lappet Moth Core Breeding Area

        Core Breeding Area, in Scotland, of the Pine Tree Lappet Moth as of 31st December 2019. Timber movement restrictions apply to pine species (and non-pine conifers growing within pine coupes) in the...

        Tolerance of ash, oak and beech seedlings grown within woodlands to herbicides for the control of bramble (Alice Holt)

        The effect of dormant season applications of triclopyr on the growth and survival of young trees was investigated in two experiments using transplants grown for one season beneath a canopy of...

        Geophysical and transport properties of salt rocks during loading and exposed to dissolution (NERC Grant NE/X012751/1)

        The dataset gather data from a dual experiment conducted to the study (i) the stress dependence of ultrasonic (elastic) waves and permeability of salt rocks, and (ii) the monitoring of controlled...

        Habitat point records from 1990 MNCR Loch Tarbert (Jura) survey

        Loch Tarbert deeply bisects the south Hebridean island of Jura. It is a relatively small and shallow fiordic loch, some 11 km in length and 43 m at its deepest point. The loch is divided into three...

        Species point records from 1990 MNCR Loch Tarbert (Jura) survey

        Loch Tarbert deeply bisects the south Hebridean island of Jura. It is a relatively small and shallow fiordic loch, some 11 km in length and 43 m at its deepest point. The loch is divided into three...