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        11,915 results found

        European Social Fund Project summary performance report

        European Social Fund Project summary performance report, volumes, profiles against actuals / success rates.

        European Social Fund Provider Quarterly review reports

        European Social Fund Provider Quarterly review reports, completed by the Agency with the Provider / discussion / actions agreed.

        European Social Fund

        The European Social Fund dataset is used to supply information to nine jobcentre plus regions which enables them to produce the interim claims and project closure reports necessary to enable...

        Barnet Pension Fund - Alternative and Private Funds

        Information about Barnet Council's Pension Alternative and Private Funds - names and vintage years of private equity, venture capital, mezzanine, distressed, real estate/REIT, debt, infrastructure...

        Police transformation fund

        The police transformation fund is intended to transform policing by investing in digitalisation, a diverse and flexible workforce and new capabilities to respond to changing crimes and...

        Funding money

        Wilton Park - Amount of funding by funder per conference or overall

        Grant funding

        As per the transparency agenda The grant funding for each year is supplied and updated annually

        National Lottery - funds raised for good causes

        This report details the fund raised for good causes by the National Lottery. Funds are raised from the sale of National Lottery games and supplemented by items suchs as unclaimed prizes. The funds...

        Funding Year Values

        Skills Funding Agency contract values for Colleges, training organisations and employers who are in receipt of a contract for a given funding year. Colleges, training organisations, local...

        Impact Readiness Fund

        This was a new £1.5 million pilot fund managed by the Social Investment Business for the Cabinet Office that offered grants and support to social ventures to understand and improve their social...

        Social Fund decisions

        The Social Fund scheme helped people whose needs were difficult to meet from regular income. The Social Fund Computer System records and processes current and historical Social Fund applications...

        Innovation Fund

        The Innovation Fund is a Government sponsored scheme designed to finance effective and innovative interventions to promote collaborative parenting among separated and separating families. The data...

        Learner Support Funds

        Learner Support Funds, additional monies available to support by exception.

        Ward Committee Approved Funding

        These are the local improvement schemes and grant projects funded through Ward Committee funding. The data in 2020/2021 are the schemes that have been approved for ward funding to date. All...

        Community Fund Tracking

        This Dataset contains information relating to Community Fund Grants which are awarded and processed by the Leisure and Community Services Team.

        State funded schools

        Spatial dataset of state funded schools in Durham, including academies. Please see for more information.

        Funding Allocations for institutions

        We hold Academic Year funding allocations for all educational institutions in England delivering to 16-19 year olds including academies. Since 2011/12 these allocations are calculated and held in...

        Open Data Innovation and Outreach Fund Final Report

        OurRagingPlanet (ORP) was desiged as a natural disaster education tool. It aims to help secondary school students contextualize experiences of communities around the world when thrust into extreme...

        Young Londoners Fund Projects

        Information on projects funded by the [Mayor of London's Young Londoners Fund]( This...

        EA Pension Fund Investment Holdings

        As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and being open and transparent, we publish the Fund’s holdings. We update the data every quarter. For operational reasons, we publish this at...